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  1. L

    What Is Wrong With My Plants?

    I'll buy a few lamps and switch to cfls when i get my first pay from my new job then lol i was getting more at the sudden change from the LEDs to CFLs stressing the plants though. Will that have any negative effects or should they be fine? Theres 2 fans in the case right now one in and one out...
  2. L

    What Is Wrong With My Plants?

    I'm using a string of 100 White LED Christmas lights. I know that these are in no way the best lights to be using but its all i could afford. Would changing to cfls stress or harm the plants at all? EDIT: another reason i used the christmas lights is because i cant find anything even resembling...
  3. L

    What Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Can anyone tell me whats going on with my plants? I'm not sure if i should be worried or not. This is my first grow, they have been growing for 16 days now and the last 2-3 days I haven't noticed any growth. I haven't used any nutes yet because i haven't been able to afford it but i will be...
  4. L

    Have I Been Over Watering?

    I have watered every day except for yesterday when i noticed that the leaves looked a little limp. I don't really use a lot of water when i do water just enough to make the soil a bit wet
  5. L

    Have I Been Over Watering?

    These plants have only been in the soil for 6 days now but i'm already worried that i have been over watering... How are they? EDIT: Also why are they so tall without having any leaves or anything yet? most plants i have seen at this stage have always been pretty short...
  6. L

    A couple questions about growing in a PC Grow Case

    I want to attempt my first grow and I want to do it in a PC Grow Case. I will be building the case myself following this guide But I've just got a couple questions about it all... 1. Can I just use regular PC Case Lights? Something like...
  7. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    Alrighty I'll hold off on the pollination side of things till i know what i'm doing then... my first lot of plants are just going to be from seeds that i found in some stuff that i got a couple weeks back so this was really just for when i have seeds that will produce something really good...
  8. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    could i maybe take a male and female and put them both in the second case?
  9. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    I will be growing in a pc grow case and i had 2 laying about so i emptied them both just in case i want to grow more later but if i used the second one to isolate the male as soon as i know its a male will that still be risky? EDIT: sorry about the double post... i didnt realise it was already...
  10. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    I will be growing in a pc grow case and i had 2 so i emptied out 2 just in case i want to grow more in the future so if i was to take any males and put them in the second case could i just isolate the male like that as soon as i know its a male or is that still too risky?
  11. L

    Need help with a PC Box..

    use a drill to drill out the rivets. I just emptied 2 pc cases i had lying about and came across a lot of these.
  12. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    so if i cut off the pollen sacks before they opened then opened them myself in another room and emptied them into a bag then used a fine paintbrush to paint a couple of the smaller buds on one of my females would i get seeds and still good buds from the rest or would it still not be quite as good?
  13. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    So you can still smoke the buds from the pollinated female and still get the same high you would get from a non pollinated female?
  14. L

    Why kill off male plants?

    Hey guys i'm relatively new to growing, I haven't attempted my first grow yet because I'm doing a loooot of research before I do it so that I don't rush in and make a mess of things. Anyways... Just thought I'd ask why do you kill off the males? I know that they don't produce as potent or as...
  15. L

    Just a couple questions about growing in a PC case

    I want to attempt my first grow and I want to do it in a PC Grow Case. I will be building the case myself following this guide But I've just got a couple questions about it all... 1. Can I just use regular PC Case Lights? Something...