Have I Been Over Watering?


These plants have only been in the soil for 6 days now but i'm already worried that i have been over watering... How are they?

18-11-2010 (day 6).jpg

EDIT: Also why are they so tall without having any leaves or anything yet? most plants i have seen at this stage have always been pretty short...


Well-Known Member
How often are you watering?

I actually just said this to someone else today in another thread, "Over-watering is more commonly an issue of frequency, not amount."

As far as why they are so tall. They are stretching for the light. At this point you could transplant into a bigger pot and bury the stem up to the leaves. To keep them from stretching more, make sure they are as close as possible to the light (w/o burning them).


I have watered every day except for yesterday when i noticed that the leaves looked a little limp. I don't really use a lot of water when i do water just enough to make the soil a bit wet


Active Member
No, they're fine. Those are babes and I personally wouldn't worry about it unless you've set them inside a gallon of water. At this stage worry about lights. Your light looks dim in the picture which can make your plants stretch and produce less bud potential. If you got leaf problems send me a pic and I'll diagnose it. I've seen it all.


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple ways to tell if it's time to water:

1.) Lift the Pot method - Before you water (when the soil dries out - See 2), lift the pot, notice how light it feels. Really get a feel for how heavy it is. Then water the plant. Pick up the pot again, get a good feel for it. It will feel noticably heavier. Everyday check the pot to see how heavy it feels. When it gets dry, you will notice it feels light again.

2.) Finger in the soil - Put you finger in the soil about an inch deep. If it feels bone dry, you need to water. If it's still moist, give it some more time before watering again.


Active Member
They are not OW'd If anything they are stretching due to the light being too high. Looks like you are using CFL's or T5's. If you are, you can keep them about 3 inches from the top of the plants to maximize light intensity and growth.