Why kill off male plants?


Hey guys i'm relatively new to growing, I haven't attempted my first grow yet because I'm doing a loooot of research before I do it so that I don't rush in and make a mess of things. Anyways... Just thought I'd ask why do you kill off the males?

I know that they don't produce as potent or as much bud and they cause the female plants to produce seeds but if I want seeds and I'm only growing personal use then does it really matter? Also is there something wrong with smoking bud that produced seeds?


Active Member
If a female plant is pollinated by a male then the female will use most of her energy to create seeds to continue her blood line. If the female is not pollinated she will use all her energy to make super dank buds for you :). Seedless bud or Sinsemilla will be more potent than bud that contains seeds.

Also, males are pretty shit for making hash.. so, unless you want seeds there is no point keeping a male.

If you do want seeds then I'd suggest flowering a male in a different location, collect the pollen and then brush the pollen onto a few chosen budsites ~ This way you can still have Sinsemilla bud and seeds at the same time.


Active Member
males produce no flowers... and females with seeds are just a hassle... but not too much of a hassle if its all you have.....


Well-Known Member
Buds with seeds ain't dat powerfull that the one with seeds.. remember the term "Sin Semillha" Without seeds...


Active Member
You should look into methods to collect pollen from your best male, then use a paint brush or q-tip to selectively pollinate some of the small lower buds on a plant or two. Then you can have seeds for your next crop, but still have a crop of sensimilla .


So you can still smoke the buds from the pollinated female and still get the same high you would get from a non pollinated female?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i'm relatively new to growing, I haven't attempted my first grow yet because I'm doing a loooot of research before I do it so that I don't rush in and make a mess of things. Anyways... Just thought I'd ask why do you kill off the males?

I know that they don't produce as potent or as much bud and they cause the female plants to produce seeds but if I want seeds and I'm only growing personal use then does it really matter? Also is there something wrong with smoking bud that produced seeds?
You've got more reading to do. Males produce pollen sacs, not buds. When a female plant gets pollinated is produces seeds instead of making the good weed you like to smoke call sinsemilla(without seed).

Males hold no real value to a grower and one open pollen sac can contaminate an entire grow area. Good MJ doesn't have seeds, that's called Schwag.


so if i cut off the pollen sacks before they opened then opened them myself in another room and emptied them into a bag then used a fine paintbrush to paint a couple of the smaller buds on one of my females would i get seeds and still good buds from the rest or would it still not be quite as good?


Well-Known Member
so if i cut off the pollen sacks before they opened then opened them myself in another room and emptied them into a bag then used a fine paintbrush to paint a couple of the smaller buds on one of my females would i get seeds and still good buds from the rest or would it still not be quite as good?
What you just said was correct. Just seeds from the bud you pollinate.


Active Member
It's still quite risky because you have to let the males flower and a pod could burst while you're not attending to the plant. I would just suggest cloning a female. Much easier and quicker..


I will be growing in a pc grow case and i had 2 so i emptied out 2 just in case i want to grow more in the future so if i was to take any males and put them in the second case could i just isolate the male like that as soon as i know its a male or is that still too risky?


I will be growing in a pc grow case and i had 2 laying about so i emptied them both just in case i want to grow more later but if i used the second one to isolate the male as soon as i know its a male will that still be risky?

EDIT: sorry about the double post... i didnt realise it was already onto the second page


Well-Known Member
I will be growing in a pc grow case and i had 2 so i emptied out 2 just in case i want to grow more in the future so if i was to take any males and put them in the second case could i just isolate the male like that as soon as i know its a male or is that still too risky?
Too risky. You'd want almost a lab type environment for playing with pollen around girls.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So you can still smoke the buds from the pollinated female and still get the same high you would get from a non pollinated female?
No. A pollinated (aka seeded) female will not be as potent, and will not have as much "bud" (some of it will be seed). Much better off with NO MALES around at all. Given your inexperience I would advise against trying to breed and pollinate right now. You have A LOT to learn before you even start attempting this. Focus on keeping female plants healthy and budding, and once you get that down, then move on to breeding if you like. But until then it won't be worth your time.


Alrighty I'll hold off on the pollination side of things till i know what i'm doing then... my first lot of plants are just going to be from seeds that i found in some stuff that i got a couple weeks back so this was really just for when i have seeds that will produce something really good... actually now that i think of it the high from that bud wasn't really that great... the only upside i saw to it was that i could smoke a bunch and still be able to do stuff whereas the amounts i was smoking of that stuff i would have been stuck on the couch for a while if it were any of the other stuff i have ever smoked lol


Well-Known Member
You do not want to smoke seeded bud.

If you want some seed for next year keep one male in a small pot - so he stays small - and well away from the girls.

I mean not in the same building, if you are growing indoors.

You can pollinate just one branch of one female.


Active Member
What happens if you keep a male plant and put it into flower?! Would anything happen, i.e would you get any kind of smoke material from it? Im a newb myself so just curious really...


Well-Known Member
Male plants have virtually no smoke value. Growers only deal with males by accident when growing from seed as statistically half are males unless they are feminized seeds or for reproducing if you want seeds as an end product.