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  1. H

    Have two strains, want something new!!

    using 600 watt hps in 4' by 6' cabinet. Everything is built stealth so that when you close the door....not light no sound no smell. Pulling about 1 1/2 pounds every 8 weeks. Using the stalk method instead of bush. 32, 2ft plants total. Just one main cola from top to about an inch from the...
  2. H

    Best method to flush Hydro

    you could use a fancy flushing agent, but you have to weigh the pros and cons. Flushing has a tendency to strip away needed minerals and nutes for the last week or so of bloom. Try reducing to 300 ppm in your last week. It wont leave residual flavor while still providing needed nutes. I have...
  3. H

    topped and now 3 heads?

    This is normal Some strains can produce up to 5 or 6 new sites after topping. I have seen up to 7 in my own grows. Thats called a sea of green. Where nothing but tops are exposed to the best light to increase productivity. Of cours you have to decide if its really more or if you should just...
  4. H


    you dont need to flush your nutes really, this just gets rid of all the healthy things that your plants still need up until the end. You can reduce you ferts up till the last week, then just run water, with about a 200 or 300 ppm. This reduces harshness. Also, the way you cure could be the...
  5. H

    Have two strains, want something new!!

    After the demise of, it has gotten harder to locate viable seed sources. Who to trust? Are there any truly safe places to purchase seed? I have been growing the same 2 or 3 strains for about 6 years now. Im so bored! Dont get me wrong they are superb, just want something new.
  6. H

    Bad soil

    First of all....soil sucks. Hydro is the way to go. No mixing dirt. Just water and the right chemicals. And no. its not that expensive....i built my whold 6 ft by 2 ft by 4 ft system with everthing for about 250.00. If you have to do gotta get the right mix of perlight and other...
  7. H

    tips of top colas "frying" pics

    if it was the nutes the whole plant should be affected. And 2 feet is too far for your light more maximum growth. Try adding a glass shield to your reflector and venting it out. This will allow max light penetration but wont burn your ladies
  8. H

    "kind of a problem"

    you can top a plant at any time, It will just take longer to heal. You best bet is a training technique. Bend the pland a little at a time(dont snap it) and a large node will start growing at the bend. Keep doing this until you get it shrunk down to a managable size. I have alot of info on plant...
  9. H

    bottom leaves dying!!!!

    thats a fairly tall plant. You may not be getting good light penetration. The lower leaves are the first to go anyway. You should be trimming the bottom growth about 1 to 2 inches from the top of your medium. This will prevent stem rot and allow more nutes to get to the center colas.
  10. H

    Soo many cords...

    Actually, you should never splice chord together. Most electronic devices have there own currency levels and the chords are made to these specs
  11. H

    1st grow, check the pics!

    Try adding glass to your reflector and venting out. This will allow close light proximity and prevent the burning stress that your having. Temps are pretty good from the sound of it. And you should never use mirrors. Unless they are surrounding your plants they arent doing much good. The whole...
  12. H

    need some help

    you have to measure the temp. during on cycles and off. The only reason to pump cool air in, is if your running super hot. usually pumping out through the top and pulling in from below is the easiest to maintain. Also, stale air gets pumped out, fresh air gets pulled in. It all depends on the...