Bad soil


well its been about 10 days since i germinated my seeds and the little guys are still growing at a very slow rate it didnt help that for the first week i was growing with soft white cfl bulbs (which i changed promptly to daylight) but i also think now that my soil is crappy being that i bought it at home depot, and did not mix in any lime,perlight,peat moss or nearly anything i was suppost too lol. well my point is i have a new soil mixture that i would like to try is there anyway to transplant these seedlings into the new soil so they can actually start to grow or do i just need to be patient and wait for them to enter their vegitative stage? also i will post pics in an hour or so, so you can see if the plants are growing well or if they need some intervention. thanks again as always from uber rookie Jake!!


Active Member
First of all....soil sucks. Hydro is the way to go. No mixing dirt. Just water and the right chemicals. And no. its not that expensive....i built my whold 6 ft by 2 ft by 4 ft system with everthing for about 250.00. If you have to do gotta get the right mix of perlight and other specialty nutes depending on your strain. They are all different!!