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  1. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    Well, thanks for the info, night owl. I'll look into that book asap, as it seems like it would be a good read.. I mean, it IS about weed. I really appreciate that we could all talk about this some, and I could get some feedback on the subject.
  2. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    Thanks for the input! Though, after sleeping and thinking about it a lot more, I DID think of one senario that that "equal protection" wouldn't apply. That is to say, if someone was arrested for having medicine and tried to argue that they had a right to the same level of protection that the...
  3. dreamwalk

    What's The Most Expensive Bowl/ Joint/ Blunt/ Whatever, That You Ever Had?

    Don't know what dro runs on the street where you guys are from but for some good stuff around here it runs about $60 for a gram. That being said I was a a friends house and about 6 of us smoked a blunt of some dro.. it wasn't huge, but had to be worth something.
  4. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    Very interesting, I had no clue that it was that bad of medicine :S It's more about princeple to me tho, not just quality. As for the press conference part, I was joking. Mind I ask where you found that info on what they give? I was just curious what type they grew for them and I guess I wasn't...
  5. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    Well, as of right now, MMJ is COMPLETELY illegal in the States on a FEDERAL level, but many states have said that it would be ok, and they aren't going to enforce the Federal laws. Our Federal Government doesn't even recognised the term "Medical Marijuana"
  6. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    Glad to know I peeked someone's interests none the less. I honestly think there needs to be talk on this subject in the community. I mean. I have nothing against those people that do recieve a supply of medicine from the Government, .
  7. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    The Equal protection that I was talking about was a reference to the 14th amendment which states that a State must provided equal protection to all that live in it's jurisdiction, but I believe precedents show that it works on a federal level as well, so the Federal government would have to...
  8. dreamwalk

    Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.

    So, I was watching In Pot We Trust, and there was an interview with Mr. of the 13 original recipients of medical cannabis from the Federal Government. Seeing his stash made me think, why am I not getting that? I believe it is a infringement on our rights to be told we cannot...
  9. dreamwalk

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    wow.. I feel kinda stupid now...haha. Maybe I should have looked closer.
  10. dreamwalk

    MMJ Prop in Arkansas?

    Sorry irieie, but I wasn't sure what to google. Thanks for the link. That's exactly what I needed!
  11. dreamwalk

    MMJ Prop in Arkansas?

    Ok, very interesting. Thanks!
  12. dreamwalk

    MMJ Prop in Arkansas?

    How would someone go about getting a MMJ Prop in there state? I've read a little about one that is supposed to be on the ballot in 2011 here in Arkansas, but I'm still just a bit curious how one is started.
  13. dreamwalk

    Prop 19 didn't pass!

    Did anyone think that maybe they did it on a bad year? I mean, the republican's were taking control and such and more conservatives were out voting... If this would have been in vote 2 years ago with the democrats were the majority of voters it prolly would have passed.
  14. dreamwalk

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    I thought I had read that online, but my local Wal-mart super center blah blah doesn't seem to carry much. I've asked for Vermiculite and Perlite; they have neither. I didn't see coir either :\ I did get the tub though :) (They have the jars and other house hold things.) Is there anything I...
  15. dreamwalk

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    Wow, great bud, great shrooms! I'm really starting to get jealous! lol. Can't wait to get my shroom grow up and going... Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any of the required materials.... :/
  16. dreamwalk

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    No new post? How's the grow coming along?
  17. dreamwalk

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    looking forward to those pictures!
  18. dreamwalk

    Thoughts on this Shroom grow?

    Perfect. Thanks!
  19. dreamwalk

    Thoughts on this Shroom grow?

    But I don't have any manure...That's the main thing keeping me from going forward. Is there something I can substitute?