Medical Cannabis: The Truth About Our Rights.


So, I was watching In Pot We Trust, and there was an interview with Mr. of the 13 original recipients of medical cannabis from the Federal Government.

Seeing his stash made me think, why am I not getting that?

I believe it is a infringement on our rights to be told we cannot take the medicine we need by our government, while the government turns around and grows, and gives the same type of medicine to a select group....kindda makes me think of segregation way back when.

Also I think it's safe to say he isn't getting arrested or busted by the DEA any time soon, being as he is being supplied by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, he's safe...protected, if you will by the federal government!

So, if someone was to complain about this, and bring it to the Supreme Court, The Government would HAVE to give us equal protection under the law. It's part of the law that everyone has the right to equal protection.

I think THIS should be the topic brought up in the fight to legalize medical marijuana.

With that being said, it's already legal, we just have to find a way to get them to give us our rights!


So, what do you guys we need to hold a press conference??


The Equal protection that I was talking about was a reference to the 14th amendment which states that a State must provided equal protection to all that live in it's jurisdiction, but I believe precedents show that it works on a federal level as well, so the Federal government would have to offer us the same equal protection as it has and continues to offer those that where "grandfathered in" to Compassionate IND! (The program that gives the medical cannabis to those select few, for those that don't know.)


Active Member
Dammit Stoney i was gonna call shotgun, but there you go popping ya dear head up, Im not from the states as you (ya'll) all know but this is an interesting thread non the less, so i too will kick back and watch, all be it without the popcorn :P

will be interesting to read everyones views or hates (im tipping)


Glad to know I peeked someone's interests none the less. I honestly think there needs to be talk on this subject in the community. I mean. I have nothing against those people that do recieve a supply of medicine from the Government, .


Active Member
yeas its highly interesting from where im sitting. but im still to know all in the ins and outs of your MMJ laws


Well, as of right now, MMJ is COMPLETELY illegal in the States on a FEDERAL level, but many states have said that it would be ok, and they aren't going to enforce the Federal laws.

Our Federal Government doesn't even recognised the term "Medical Marijuana"

the night owl

Active Member
Firstly, nobody has any rights; It's uncle sam's way, or the highway. period. Secondly, the meds suplied to these people have a lower T.H.C content than the worst schwag you've ever smoked, which is why the feds have no problem supplying them. If they can't redistribute it back onto the black market, or otherwise benefit from it then why not give it away? I don't think a press conference would do anything but waste everyones time and possibly get MMJ laws revoked all together.


Very interesting, I had no clue that it was that bad of medicine :S
It's more about princeple to me tho, not just quality.
As for the press conference part, I was joking.

Mind I ask where you found that info on what they give? I was just curious what type they grew for them and I guess I wasn't looking in the right place, but I couldn't find anything.

Thanks for the responses so far guys!

I was thinking the same thing about keeping it if it didn't do anything, but apparently it does, I mean, he claims it helps him in the interviews.


Active Member
you are wrong about the potenct of Gov weed. i smoked some New years and it threw me on my ass.

but in regards to trying to get equal rights, that is a double edged sword. either they woulc agree to make it legal for everyone or they would just take it away from those 13 people......which one do you think is more likely??


confused here you go on cnn have fun mr its shitty shwag and it was grown by the federal governmet this lady been getin it for 20 years hence g13 is not just a myth:shock:
no u were right dreamwalk u were dead on
why the fuck would the government waist there time on making shitty weed they do research on it in institutes

you've got absolutely NO clue about this it seems.....

I've plenty of personal experience on this one..... Coming from SE Louisiana, I know very well that the pot that was given to these "original 13", (only13) was grown right next door in mississippi, at Ole Miss. if I'm not mistaken..... and grown outdoor mostly...... and was shit. Point. Blank. Period.
I also personally know a few older heads around here that knew one of the "original 13", that would vouch that this weed was delivered by the government, pre rolled, and in canisters just like you link to........ but it was bullshit weed; that's why he knew the guy, cause the guy sold off alot of his "g13" in order to buy some good ole mexi-shwag .....

do a little research and you'll find that this is the same weed that the govt. still supplies IF one were to get approval for a "drug study" in the US.

the night owl

Active Member
Very interesting, I had no clue that it was that bad of medicine :S
It's more about princeple to me tho, not just quality.
As for the press conference part, I was joking.

Mind I ask where you found that info on what they give? I was just curious what type they grew for them and I guess I wasn't looking in the right place, but I couldn't find anything.

Thanks for the responses so far guys!

I was thinking the same thing about keeping it if it didn't do anything, but apparently it does, I mean, he claims it helps him in the interviews.
I read about it in high times some years back. I'll go through my stuff and see if I still have that issue, but I doubt it. However, if I do find it I'll type up a transcript of the article and post it.


Well-Known Member
I think it's wrong to argue solely on, "it's out right to take medicine". Because you can counter argue that. I would simply make arguments that can not be refuted, arguments based on predication. There has to be some "golden" argument that "we" can focus on that the opposing party cannot refute. And then just take that argument all the way to the top.


I think it's wrong to argue solely on, "it's out right to take medicine". Because you can counter argue that. I would simply make arguments that can not be refuted, arguments based on predication. There has to be some "golden" argument that "we" can focus on that the opposing party cannot refute. And then just take that argument all the way to the top.

how bout "its safer than aspirin"???? ;)


Thanks for the input!

Though, after sleeping and thinking about it a lot more, I DID think of one senario that that "equal protection" wouldn't apply.

That is to say, if someone was arrested for having medicine and tried to argue that they had a right to the same level of protection that the 13 had before.

I don't think, now that I think about it, that it would work as well as I originally though. Simply because one could argue that our meds aren't grown by the Federal Government. If it was, then that would be a different story.

I would love to read that article, if you can't find it, I'm sure I can find it online somewhere, night owl.

gogrow, yes it's my understanding as well that "g13" if you will, is grown at Ole Miss.

UGA, I think that they would give it to all, or not give it to all, but I don't think they would take it from those already on the program being as they were "grandfathered" in when Bush Senior took office. It would be several lawsuits for the government if they did.

See4 made a great remark that we need a golden argument "that the opposing party cannot refute"
