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  1. N


    Thanks. 1.) Is Advanced Nutrients 'Micro' nutrient safe for foliar feeding as a way to treat Nitrogen-deficiency? 2.) I had 2 days of clawing followed by two days of the lowest-leaves growing excessively yellow and wilted. Top-leaves have become excessively droopy since clawing ended and...
  2. N


    Did I post this in the wrong area?/bump
  3. N


    So I'm having some problems, first grow. FFOF soil, AN nutes (grow/micro/flower), 600w dualarc bulb, 3x3 footprint, unmanaged but fairly consistent high 70-low 80 temps, unsure of humidity, but I imagine it's sufficiently high for veg. I saw some clawing on my 3 plants (one in 5gal, 1 has a...
  4. N

    12/12 from seeds?

    Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I'm really looking to stick to a one-room solution.
  5. N

    12/12 from seeds?

    Really? 3ft x 3ft with 600w, without vegging (which I'd imagine would make for pretty small plants) think I would be lucky to fit more than a single plant in there? I'm sorry, I just can't make sense out of what you're saying. As to separate veg/flower areas...I'd love to do it, it's...
  6. N

    12/12 from seeds?

    AH, right. I meant that I'd like to have a plant harvested every 3 weeks. So the one room I have would be filled with plants started about 3 weeks apart from each other. I just have the one room to do this in, so I can have it move from 18/6 to 12/12, and all the plants will need harvesting...
  7. N

    12/12 from seeds?

    I saw something about this on the forums a couple weeks ago, but can't find it now. Hard to get a search-friendly term that references it, so if anyone has some keen information or a guide that touches on 12/12 from seedlings, that'd be great. I'm pretty much restricted to a single closet...
  8. N

    Magnesium and Ph question; also, anyone use talc?

    Can I use epsom salt instead, mixing it with water and watering with the mix? I'd prefer not to do any foliar feeding, since I'm still fairly new to growing and it seems to be a science of its own. I also have some powdered industrial talc and some industrial dolomite (raw limestone, about...
  9. N

    Empty on delivery

    Well, I'm both excited and nervous once again. The good folks at the Nirvana Help Desk just responded to my message and let me know that, while they had no real idea about what might have happened, they felt bad for me and would replace my order. It's already been reclassified as resent, so I...
  10. N

    Magnesium and Ph question; also, anyone use talc?

    I have a plant that has been going for about 5 weeks, had some stunting early on due to a poor soil choice, but as soon as I changed to FFOF it perked up and has been going well for 3 weeks...I missed a FIM (pretty much just mangled some leaves before they had developed...didn't know you could...
  11. N

    Empty on delivery

    Anyone have more experience with customs? I've heard the same thing (that they replace the offending material with a letter), but first-hand info or something more concrete would be great. I'm just not sure if I should try to have more seeds sent to the same address (maybe using a different...
  12. N

    Empty on delivery

    I wish it were only naivety, but the package is clearly empty. Ripped along one of the edges and held up to the light, it is painfully clear that its not an issue of too much stealth. As I'd said, it also looks like it could have been tampered with and it was a bit too easy to open the...
  13. N

    Empty on delivery

    first timer, so i don't have any history with the seedbank but i sent them a message anyways. I thought it'd be weird for me to get the envelope if it was a customs thing. So, is the consensus really that the mailman did it?
  14. N

    Empty on delivery

    Just received an order from a seedbank. What I got was an empty envelope (the heftier sort with miniature-bubblewrap insulation), with a loosely adhered seal that showed potential signs of tampering. Ordering to an unfriendly state...any advice/suggestions on what might have happened?