

So I'm having some problems, first grow. FFOF soil, AN nutes (grow/micro/flower), 600w dualarc bulb, 3x3 footprint, unmanaged but fairly consistent high 70-low 80 temps, unsure of humidity, but I imagine it's sufficiently high for veg.

I saw some clawing on my 3 plants (one in 5gal, 1 has a liter of soil or so, the other maybe twice that), all growing for 10 weeks or so, and the smaller two will be transplanted tonight. The clawing occurred for maybe two days, just on the end sections of the leaves for two plants, and an inverse canoe-effect for the fan-leaves of the third (which is the only sativa-dom of the 3). After those two days, the lower leaves of all 3 plants have started to wilt and have become excessively yellow like they are no-longer creating chlorophyll (is this correct? not like a mag def, but consistently yellow all over the leaves, only on the lowest branches). The yellow has occurred for two days now, and the clawing stopped with the onset of the yellowing....also, the other leaves (further up on each plant, still a healthy green) have been drooping since the clawing left and the yellowing started.

I've been watering with 6.2-6.5ish's certainly possible that I have been underwatering, but the one in the 5 gal was watered 4-5 days ago, just before the onset of clawing. I imagine that I should just use a heavier concentration of the micro (Nitrogen-heavy AN nute) and see if it truly is a N-def?

Does anyone know if the micro Advanced Nutrient solution is safe for foliar feeding, and at what concentration? (had been doing normal watering at about 6ml/gal, with a planned step-up to 8ml/gal for the next watering).

Thanks for any assistance.


Well-Known Member
It is best if you pull all the questions out of your post and label them


Etc rather than having people read your ramblings. Because you have a few questions it is better to put your problem and then the questions after it. Rather than how you have it above.

IN answer to your foliar feeding question usually the starting ratio would be 1/6 of the original amount you are root feeding.




1.) Is Advanced Nutrients 'Micro' nutrient safe for foliar feeding as a way to treat Nitrogen-deficiency?

2.) I had 2 days of clawing followed by two days of the lowest-leaves growing excessively yellow and wilted. Top-leaves have become excessively droopy since clawing ended and yellowing (of lower leaves) began. Do I have nitrogen-deficiency? If this is the biggest issue I've had in 10 weeks of vegging these plants, is it likely to be a deficiency and not a pH problem (been pHing my water to 6.2-6.5pH).


Well-Known Member
1. Unsure about the MICRO from AN have you contacted them? Try giving them an email they are helpfull and will answer your question.

2. It would be very hard to tell without a picture. The clawing and yellowing you are talking about could be caused by a number of things. The leaves tell us the story so if you have a picture then that would help.

But in future things like this should really be posted in the MARAJUANA PLANT PROBLEMS forum.


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
This problem sound EXACTLY like many problems other growers are currently having in FFOF.

It's just a matter of time before the community realizes that Fox Farms cannot keep up with this demand by pot growers and still provide the quality they built their reputation on.

It's like Ford. At first, Ford was the bomb. Model T baby! But then you hit the 80's and Ford is making crap in Mexico, with parts they choose to have limited life spans to make money on repairs. That backfired and now Ford's reputation is completely tarnished. F.O.R.D Fix Or Repair Daily. Fox Farms is no different. It is unfortunate, but other companies like Roots Organic and Canna make far better organic soil mixes right now.

My guess here is that your yellow leaves have red stems. This indicates a phosphate issue. If no red stems then it's a Nitrate issue.