12/12 from seeds?


I saw something about this on the forums a couple weeks ago, but can't find it now. Hard to get a search-friendly term that references it, so if anyone has some keen information or a guide that touches on 12/12 from seedlings, that'd be great.

I'm pretty much restricted to a single closet, and I'd love it if I could find a system to have a harvest every 3 weeks or so as opposed to every 4-5 months. I've got some sativa-dominant seeds on their way to me *knock on wood*, that are said to nearly triple in size during flowering. So if 12/12 from seedling ever makes sense, hopefully that's a good characteristic to start with.

Is it do-able? I've got about 3ft x 3ft, 600w dual arc HPS/MH light is height-adjustable in an 8ft room. Does working from seed on 12/12 make sense? I'm guessing that you can't really take cuttings to clone a plant grown entirely in a 12/12 cycle, and I don't mind doing a normal grow first to find a good male/female pair to breed so I have enough seeds to keep this going for more than one seedpack.


Well-Known Member
there are 12/12 threads around here, it's usually better to do a site search from google, use site:rollitup.org to do that
12/12 will get you the quickest crop from seed, but not in 3 weeks, most strains need at least 8 weeks to mature
and a seedling will not normally start right out in flower, 12/12 or not, it will veg for a while(programmed in the genetics), then go to flower
how long that will be will vary from strain to strain, sativa dominant aren't famous for maturing quickly, be prepared for some time to mature


AH, right. I meant that I'd like to have a plant harvested every 3 weeks. So the one room I have would be filled with plants started about 3 weeks apart from each other. I just have the one room to do this in, so I can have it move from 18/6 to 12/12, and all the plants will need harvesting around the same time, meaning I'll harvest once every 4 or 5 months; or, I'm hoping I can have one room kept at 12/12, with (more) plants at different developmental stages, where every 3 weeks or so a plant will be ready for the chop.

So maybe it takes 12 (or 15) weeks for a seed to be ready for harvesting if it's started and kept in a 12/12 light cycle. If every 3 weeks I'm able to plant a seed that ends up being female (either by planting 2-3 seeds or using fem seeds), after 12 weeks I should have one plant ready for harvest just about every 3 weeks, right?
Is that a realistic goal?

I'll try a riu sitespecific google search, thanks. Just hard finding a term that refers to a plant grown from seed that never has a veg light cycle. Just trying to find any guide that talks about this approach. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i haven't tried 12/12 yet, but i do veg for pretty short times
i've gotten plants to ripen in 12 weeks from seed, so that's doable with some strains
and having a staggered harvest sounds good to me, having separate veg/flower areas gives you a lot of flexibility


Well-Known Member
AH, right. I meant that I'd like to have a plant harvested every 3 weeks. So the one room I have would be filled with plants started about 3 weeks apart from each other. I just have the one room to do this in, so I can have it move from 18/6 to 12/12, and all the plants will need harvesting around the same time, meaning I'll harvest once every 4 or 5 months; or, I'm hoping I can have one room kept at 12/12, with (more) plants at different developmental stages, where every 3 weeks or so a plant will be ready for the chop.

So maybe it takes 12 (or 15) weeks for a seed to be ready for harvesting if it's started and kept in a 12/12 light cycle. If every 3 weeks I'm able to plant a seed that ends up being female (either by planting 2-3 seeds or using fem seeds), after 12 weeks I should have one plant ready for harvest just about every 3 weeks, right?
Is that a realistic goal?

I'll try a riu sitespecific google search, thanks. Just hard finding a term that refers to a plant grown from seed that never has a veg light cycle. Just trying to find any guide that talks about this approach. Thanks.
would work mate but you will be lucky to fit two in there with a 6oow....


would work mate but you will be lucky to fit two in there with a 6oow....
Really? 3ft x 3ft with 600w, without vegging (which I'd imagine would make for pretty small plants)...you think I would be lucky to fit more than a single plant in there?

I'm sorry, I just can't make sense out of what you're saying.

As to separate veg/flower areas...I'd love to do it, it's just not an option for me right now.


Active Member
put 6 in let them veg for 20 days keep light on 24 hours when ready to flower take out 3 put them under a fan in dark place and switch every 12 hours that way if you want you will have room to veg 3 new 1s and then take out 3 of those every 12 2 or 3 weeks apart and so on and so on.


Well-Known Member
4 lst'd plants would be no problem in a 3 x 3 foot space
i actually grow in a 15 inch diameter tube, i've matured a 29 inch plant in there
so an 18 x 18 inch area for each plant seems viable, provided they're not really big


Well-Known Member
i have grown 12/12 from seed some plants are like 4 foot plus by the time they finish, they take just has long as a vegged plant to harvest...