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  1. Communism

    Seed to Flower Week 2

  2. Communism

    are these hermi?

    I don't see any pollen sacks
  3. Communism

    Seed to Flower Week 2

    Ahh, well, not bad at all. Will you be keeping us updated as to plant #2?
  4. Communism


    I'm sure its some sort of elitist thing, 'I use HPS so I'm better!'. And Birdman, do you mean can you use CFL's or those long shop flourescents?
  5. Communism


    Yes, but you will most likely get a very low yield.
  6. Communism

    Seed to Flower Week 2

    Not bad, not bad at all. Is that both the plants or just the older one?
  7. Communism

    flowering day 21: 5 foot tall under 1000watt HPS

    Looks nice. As said before can you get a wide shot to see the height?
  8. Communism

    Seed to Flower Week 2

    Sounds like a success. Looks all good to me, I don't think these people get it that you were experimenting for fun. Can you get photos of it all sealed with maybe a quarter for scale?
  9. Communism

    Seed to Flower Week 2

    Looks good.
  10. Communism

    ok so far??

    Looking good, hopefully you'll get a female. Fingers crossed eh?
  11. Communism

    ok so far??

    I was gonna say it looks like a nitrogen def., but after you added that stuff it looks fine. Leaves look nice and green. Stems also look thick. How tall is it? :blsmoke:
  12. Communism

    ok so far??

    lol, nah, just didnt want to find out i was paying alot more then I thought I was each month. Well I grew stuff with flourescents and I have to agree, its much simpler as you said regarding heat, space, etc... You should try starting a grow journal if you are bored. If you start one private...
  13. Communism

    ok so far??

    Well, sounds like a good set-up. And I thought say an 250watt HPS only cost like 12 bucks a month to run?
  14. Communism

    ok so far??

    Yeah, lighting would be a bitch with a tall plant. You ever thought of upgrading to an HPS?
  15. Communism

    how long can plants go without water before they start dieing

    Well, they should be fine. How old are the plants?
  16. Communism

    ok so far??

    Well I would say after you transfer. Just make sure not to wait too long, because if the stems get too thick, they could snap when you are in the process of bending 'em. And as for its size, I didn't think mine would get to much bigger into flowering...boy was I wrong. Went from like 10" to like...
  17. Communism

    This is how we go out...

    Gah, I still prefer the original Star Wars rap. This ones not bad at all though.
  18. Communism

    how did......

    A day full of Scrubs marathon and King of the Hill marathon. Food was good.
  19. Communism

    how long can plants go without water before they start dieing

    Also, I don't think they would be unsavable even if they were horribly dehydrated. I've had 1' tall plants fall over from so much lack of water, then after a good watering stand back up.
  20. Communism

    how long can plants go without water before they start dieing

    I'm sure alot has to do with the enviroment, humidity etc.. I had to leave a few of catnip plants I was growing for 3 days, gave 'em a big watering, and when I got back the soil was still moist. I was growing under 2 48" flourescent tubes though, and a temperature for 70F and 50% humidity. What...