

Active Member
can i go through the whole plant life and produce go plant only usin flourcent lights ??

p.s. im only growin one plant


New Member
get a mix of warm and cool fluorescents just add on as you grow and you can still get a good yield depending how you take care of it


Well-Known Member
4-6 grams...lmao that isn't even worth the time or hastle! u can grow good and get high yeild with cfl's...as long asd ur doing it rite! good luck man!


Well-Known Member
I rly cant stand people who come into threads about cfls and bash on them when most likely they havent even used them themselves. With the right spectrums and watts you can get an ounce off a plant..... ive seen it done. Not only that, but the heat is far less than what an mh or a HPS will put out, may not be even close to the light penetration of an hps, but as long as you have the bulbs close to the plants, you should have no problems

Now that I think about, its either on this site or at icmag.com theirs a guy named Red Greenery who used to storage bens and I think 6 23w cfls and got over 4 oucnes off 5 plants.... You can also check out Humbolts growing or w/e on this site who is also using cfls with great results.


Active Member
I rly cant stand people who come into threads about cfls and bash on them when most likely they havent even used them themselves. With the right spectrums and watts you can get an ounce off a plant..... ive seen it done. Not only that, but the heat is far less than what an mh or a HPS will put out, may not be even close to the light penetration of an hps, but as long as you have the bulbs close to the plants, you should have no problems

Now that I think about, its either on this site or at icmag.com theirs a guy named Red Greenery who used to storage bens and I think 6 23w cfls and got over 4 oucnes off 5 plants.... You can also check out Humbolts growing or w/e on this site who is also using cfls with great results.
I'm sure its some sort of elitist thing, 'I use HPS so I'm better!'.

And Birdman, do you mean can you use CFL's or those long shop flourescents?


Well-Known Member
ive done that before..the most you will get is about 4-6 grams ..no joke..thats the only bad thing is the yield..it will produce alot of crystals tho from the uvb
I only use fluorescents because I live in an apartment and I grow two plants at a time and my last yield was 550 grams.


Well-Known Member
look up See More Buds .... and a variety of other threads on here (serach cfl) ..... and you'll have your answer ... yes ... you can .... with some limitations/challenges, but that goes without saying for ANY approach you might choose.


Well-Known Member
550 grams 2 plants under cfls no way i dont believe it 55 grams more like
i dont believe it either, thats a load of bullshit OR hes using like 500watts worth of CFLs on 5 foot plants with a bunch of supplement light. either that, or some other factors are helping/supplementing (like ten t5's) - cus you wont yield anywhere near an ounce with 100watts of CFLs.

i use 130watts of CFL's and a t12 lamp for veg - no complaints. however, i will never flower with CFL's because ive seen what the crap looks like and smokes like. im really tired of people whining about other ppl bashing CFL users when they flower w/ them and yield an 8th/plant then ask what went wrong..i mean dude i agree its not cool when ppl act all aggro and arrogant about it, but the fact of the matter is CFL weed isnt that great.

anyway, not only will you yield a miniscule amount, but the quality will be whispy, fluffy, and nowhere near as good as real dank. ive seen alot of weed grown with fluorescents, i wont even smoke it. keep in mind, there is a HUGE difference between 150watts of CFL vs. several T5's. i have yet to smoke weed grown from T5's, but i bet its alot better than standard CFL lights - thats prolly what the guy used who yielded such a crazy amount. ill try to find that thread you mentioned tahoe, im interested in seeing all the stuff he had setup to yield so much.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
did anyone tell him ur not supposed to weigh the soil just the buds lol. 550 grams hahahahaha 2 plants cfl grow come on.


Well-Known Member
I realy cant stand people who come into threads about cfl's and bash on them when most likely they haven't even used them themselves. With the right spectrum and watts you can get an ounce off a plant..... i've seen it done.

Now that I think about, its either on this site or at icmag.com theirs a guy named Red Greenery who used to storage bins and I think 6 23w cfl's and got over 4 ounces off 5 plants....

heh, i'm sorry, but that's just too funny; most people that say cfl's are a waste of time ARE THE ONES WHO'VE TRIED IT AND KNOW BETTER!!

lol, i'm seriously not picking on you; i'm really high and in a lovely mood :blsmoke:. i took the time to fix your grammatical errors in the quote above (made a typo myself, so now i'm on a mission... :p).

i'm sorry, but an ounce or less per plant is pathetic. when you spend four months of your life growing a plant for that little, it's really heartbreaking. after you tally all you spend on cfl's, tape, wire nuts, this, that and the other, you've probably already spent the 100$ it would take to get a 75w-400w hps or mh.

sure, cfl's are great for a plant that is three inches tall and two inches in diameter, but what about when they get bigger? after all, they do have to veg out.... so if you have eight plants, by the time they are 8 weeks old, each one needs 4 cfl's by it's lonesome. that means you need to use at least 800w of cfl!!!! that's two 400w hps!!!

one thing that pisses off a lot of people, esp the veterans, is when n00bs come out and tell them how they hate it when people rag on quick fixes and cheap stuff, cuz it still works. sure it does. but no it doesn't.

so, with that said......

hahahahaha!!! ;)

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
if u cant afford hps use sunlight until u can get proper lighting. Or the combination of both 550 grams 2 plants cfl im still laughing at that lol


Active Member
so what am i really suppose to do? i have one self ballasted bulb over 7 babies in cups during veg. how close should the light be? more further, how many more i would need after veg.