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  1. Potatoandpot

    Plant leafs curling up and drying out, please help

    I have 4 plants at a week and half old, 2 are curling and dying and he only thing i can find online about curling is oher peoples plants curling down not up. Soil: FFoF Lighting: 3 23watt CFL's (4,800 lumens) 24 hours of light working on getting more No nutrients just water Grow Space: PC...
  2. Potatoandpot

    My Swamp Idea

    There's a couple very small trees but they aren't big enough to have much leafs on them. So there wouldn't be any camouflage.
  3. Potatoandpot

    My Swamp Idea

    Well we don't have many big birds and the few types we do have are hardly ever seen around here. But there are A LOT of gators. And I thought about that before I start snooping around looking inside them but cooled down because I would walk next to the creeks that run through the swamp and did...
  4. Potatoandpot

    My Swamp Idea

    As far as I've heard, time released nutrients are bad for growing weed? Hell, I've tried before because I'm ignorant sometimes and my plants died in 3 weeks, all of them. But who knows? That might have just been me. On the reservoir, I don't know how I would pull that off, there's enough space...
  5. Potatoandpot

    My Swamp Idea

    I took a walk down a trail I have that runs through the swamp behind my backyard. The trail is made of plywood. Anyways once you get passed all the tall reeds and cat tails, its wide open. All the reeds were hacked down and now there are mounds of reeds everywhere. I took this walk to look for...
  6. Potatoandpot

    Any Central Texas Growers??

    I'm on the coast bro but have to deal with the same problems and environment you do, I'm a noob so don't rape me for advice lol but I'll tell you what I can.
  7. Potatoandpot

    bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?

    Wow, this truly is sad (no offense) because NOTHING should come in front of HIS child or you. It's time to grow up and realize that he has a newborn coming up. I know this is an old thread but I really feel that I should speak up on the situation even though it really is none of my business. How...
  8. Potatoandpot

    Making herbal incense

    hows it goin flyingairplanes? I've created 3 batches of K2(herbal incense) so far and I knew before I started trying to add flavors to my K2 that the acetone would pretty much kill it although it does keep the smell and smell on the smoke. I used root beer extract from walmart and put it in a...
  9. Potatoandpot

    M39 indoor clones / soil / veg

    Sweet dude, your plants are lookin excellent
  10. Potatoandpot

    My very first grow. Advice is always helpful.

    Thanks guys, yeah they have went through some stretch...I have them outside now, haven't posted any new pictures yet but I will tomorrow with a REAL camera this time and not my phone lol. Yellow and wilted a bit from heat stress (I've put those things through hell) and one I think might have...
  11. Potatoandpot

    My very first grow. Advice is always helpful.

    Thanks for stopping by Kev, yeah I've heard it wasn't the best choice but its all I had at the time, I am not using any at all, but i did just pick up a bottle of super thrive since my plants are wilting especially the one I moved into a pot outside...guessing transplant shock and its hotter...
  12. Potatoandpot

    First Grow Journal: Indoor and Out- DWC-Closet-5 Gallon

    I wish I was taught at a young age lol I just recently found out that my grandmother smokes pot and my great grandmother grew pot before she lost her mind unfortunately.
  13. Potatoandpot

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    I'll try making a journal and put a "holder uper" ;-) on my plant tomorrow, hopefully the tide doesn't come back in...I'm thinking about using one of my topsy turbies for a weed plant haha.
  14. Potatoandpot

    First Grow Journal: Indoor and Out- DWC-Closet-5 Gallon

    Sick grows man!!! Question for you, I started my first grow (in my signature) and I have 2 plants in the small clear dixie cups, well I water once every 2 to 3 days and I noticed that they haven't grown any taller and there are no more new leaves. I looked at the side of the cup and turned it...
  15. Potatoandpot

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    I'm gona miss her :cry: haha kidding, happy smokin money!!! Dude, mine has heat stress because I had it in a closed closet with no venting what so ever and the box fan sucked but I just moved the plants outsde so now it actually is an outdoor grow lol. And about 3 weeks ago I planted 2 seeds in...
  16. Potatoandpot

    My very first grow. Advice is always helpful.

  17. Potatoandpot

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    Yours is lookin great!
  18. Potatoandpot

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    Lol they stopped stretching. I kept them in a dark cabinet for when they sprout and I forgot to check on them and when I finally did they were stretching sooo bad.
  19. Potatoandpot

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    Looking nice money!...I'm trying to keep up with your post and all since I just got back from vacation. My brother actually watered my plants just fine and looked up how to distill his own water! lol So I'm happy about that. But they do seem a bit small for it being day 10. What do you think?
  20. Potatoandpot

    My very first grow. Advice is always helpful.

    Alright, here is day 10. Sorry, I've been at the Frio River for the past week and finally got back. If whoever didn't go back and read, I had my brother water my plants and he actually did a good job. Even looked up on how to distill his own damn water!!!:shock: lol. So here is the update. And...