M39 indoor clones / soil / veg


Well-Known Member
5 plants
2 36" fluorescent tubes
water 120ml every 24 hour
room is 28-29 degrees

Is there anything i should be doing to help these plants?


Well-Known Member
Some how the plants are growing at different heights. Does anyone know why this would happen?


Well-Known Member
How did they become burnt?

Also how much water do you think i should be giving my plants?


Well-Known Member
In answer to your question about nutes: You should try my nutes!

Anyhow, I wouldn't be too concerned about the leaves that are burnt-- if they were the original leaves of the clone. They typically yellow up like that when new legs are sprouting, because it is using up the nutrient reserves in the leaves to make the new roots.

The new growth coming out of the clones seems decent. No signs of trouble - yet.

You should water only when the soil gets dry. If your container is too big, then it'll take a lot longer for the soil to dry out in between waterings. Ideally you want the soil pots to be as light as a feather when it's time to water.