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  1. dbalazek

    been sawin,hammerin and measurin tryin to make my own littlle grow setup

    nice :) i'm going to construct one aswell, but smaller.
  2. dbalazek

    Superplant MH 250W trouble

    i'll try my luck :/
  3. dbalazek

    Superplant MH 250W trouble

    i used a towel at the begining, but since it didnt work i touched it to.
  4. dbalazek

    Superplant MH 250W trouble

    so i need to wait for that long !? I waited for max. 3 minutes.
  5. dbalazek

    Superplant MH 250W trouble

    Hey i bought a new MH 250W superplant bulb and when i turn it on it won't light :-| i would really need some help. What should i do?
  6. dbalazek

    multi strain 6oow tent

    Damn! This looks great. I'll start to grow brainstorm too, but im still making a growbox.
  7. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    thanks. I guess i'm going to make it by myself :)
  8. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    Thanks! This is interesting, i could make one of these by myself. like this one.
  9. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    what exactly do you mean ?
  10. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    damn.. so there's no chance to keep it on normal temperature with fans ? I'll try to get an idea how to fix the temperature problem..
  11. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    i was thinking about getting 5 feminized Brainstorm seeds, cause my last grow was a total fail ( i bought 10 Nirvana's snow white fem. seeds and i was growing them outside all i got was good weed for like maybe 10 joints) should i make a bigger box then ? Atleast 80x80x160cm ?
  12. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    Thanks guys, so basicaly i need one 400W HPS and one 400W MH, right? At the sides of the growbox i would add a diamond foil for reflection if that would be good and some PC fans.
  13. dbalazek

    My "grow room"

    Hey there. I was thinking about making a growbox by myself because the ones that are sold are a bit to expensive if you ask me. And my question is: if i'm making a growbox with dimensions: 60x60x120cm what HPS lamp should i use? 250W or 400W? I already checked some of the lamps and i'm...
  14. dbalazek

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    damn... nice guide!
  15. dbalazek

    Check out these pix!

    amazing! I wish my babies would be so sweet
  16. dbalazek

    1st plant past seedling.. YOUNGRICH SNOW WHITE

    i've got the same plants, i hope those girls will grow into real bitches :)
  17. dbalazek

    Snow white | Nirvana

    Any idea how to get rid of snails? I've heard that salt kills them, maybe i should use salt around the pots?
  18. dbalazek

    Snow white | Nirvana

    Hello there! I'm trying to grow snow white, i bought 10 feminized snow white seeds and all of them germinated. I planted them in 2L pots they're growing now for a month or so. The plants will grow outside, in our forrest :) I've got big problems with snails and deers and i'm afraid that other...
  19. dbalazek

    Snow White | Nirvana

    Hello there! I just registered on this site and since i saw one thread about the same plant that i got, i decided to post another thread about my babies =) I hope you guys will help me. I'll post some pictures soon.
  20. dbalazek

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello there people! I'm dbalazek and i hope you guys will help me with my plants!