My "grow room"


Hey there. I was thinking about making a growbox by myself because the ones that are sold are a bit to expensive if you ask me. And my question is: if i'm making a growbox with dimensions: 60x60x120cm what HPS lamp should i use? 250W or 400W?
I already checked some of the lamps and i'm confused. On this site there are two sections, for grow lamps and for bloom lamps

So do i need to buy both of them ?
Thank you already guys


Active Member
250 would be good 400 even better but definitely gona need to aircool the 400 and personally id aircool the 250 aswel, hps can be used for both grow and bloom but is more bloom than grow as its towards the red end of the spectrum


Well-Known Member
i would use a 400w switchable balest with a mh metal halide for veg and a hps high preshure sodium for flower


Thanks guys, so basicaly i need one 400W HPS and one 400W MH, right? At the sides of the growbox i would add a diamond foil for reflection if that would be good and some PC fans.


Well-Known Member
400 watts puts off alot of heat you'll need more than PC fans for ventilation, and 400 watts is over kill for 2 X 2 X 4 feet.. I would get a bigger box or consider a CFL grow, with CFL's PC fans will work for ventilation in a box that size.. how many plants do you plan on growing? because in that size of a box i would only do one


i was thinking about getting 5 feminized Brainstorm seeds, cause my last grow was a total fail ( i bought 10 Nirvana's snow white fem. seeds and i was growing them outside all i got was good weed for like maybe 10 joints) should i make a bigger box then ? Atleast 80x80x160cm ?


Well-Known Member
There is a zero chance of keeping temps reasonable in a small box like that with any HID unless you get an air cooled reflector.


damn.. so there's no chance to keep it on normal temperature with fans ? I'll try to get an idea how to fix the temperature problem..