Superplant MH 250W trouble


Hey i bought a new MH 250W superplant bulb and when i turn it on it won't light :-| i would really need some help. What should i do?


Well-Known Member
how long did you give it?? i swore to god my first hps was busted but it finally lit after approx 8-12 minutes, seemed like eternity to me , just leave that bitch plugged in for like 15 min

edit, what type of ballast ya got?


Well-Known Member
can u get a refund from this joker?tell him u never touched it . it just never worked.
The bulbs I got when I ordered my ballast were JUNK man, I had them send me 2 new ones and those were JUNK to lol I ended up going to Lowes and bought some Sylvina's for $42 each. So far got 5 months out of them, but I always buy new bulbs ever 6 months because they do loose spectrum.