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  1. D

    auto-flowering strains outdoors

    I was thinking of out doors for something like this, sounds ideal. A deciduous herbaceous perennial strain! The Pukka Seed Company | Catalogue | The Doggies Nuts! cannabis seeds | Big Bad John (auto flowering)
  2. D

    Humidity Levels

    No probs mate, I suggest you get yourself a grow bible, they are invaluable, the one i use is Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible. By Jorge Cervantes. Has answered 99% of the questions i have had.
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    Couple seedlings were looking good.. then shriveled up on me... lookin bad

    When i sprout my seelings I use 1 20w florescent strip light about 2 inches above my propogator, temp is at 21c, I mist the propogater daily, and keep my soil damp by misting the growing medium rather than saturating it. When the first set of leafs appear i remove the the propogator lid, place...
  4. D

    Humidity Levels

    40-60% Humidty is the guideline when your plants are flowering. A Humidity range of 60-70% is advisable for vegative growth, and a higher range of 80-95% for clones.