Couple seedlings were looking good.. then shriveled up on me... lookin bad

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
So, I'm pretty sure I murked a couple of these guys... I thought I'd help out the ones with scoliosis, and prop em up vertically with some dowels.. bad idea for the youngins, i must say... think i damaged the roots, cuz only one of the ones i tried to help is looking good now.. the others, and one i didnt even fuck with all shriveled up really dry/scrawny and keeled over... I doubt its from under watering, as i hit them every few days with superthrive water, and saturate the area immediatly around where the roots would be..

they're in soil (peatt humus, coco coir, perlite) and some are ripping along nicely, though slowly (proilly due to using 7 CFLs, but i heard they were gentler and good for little-uns).. anyways, any idea why this is happening... sorry, but i donyt have pics


Active Member
When i sprout my seelings I use 1 20w florescent strip light about 2 inches above my propogator, temp is at 21c, I mist the propogater daily, and keep my soil damp by misting the growing medium rather than saturating it. When the first set of leafs appear i remove the the propogator lid, place the light a little further away if needed and continue to water as needed, again misting the soil rather than watering.