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  1. R

    I'm high of of Spice

    I few friends called me up and smoked me out to some spice. This is one of those legal strains that's supposed to contain cannibinoids. I'm a person that doesn't believe in that (I hate hooka, just never got to me). Spice got me high, like blasted. I couldn't believe it, it looks like weed...
  2. R

    Who's getting their paychecks this week?

    I'm so high right now but a little disapointed cuz I'm out of the green and have to wait til Friday to buy another batch. When I started smoking everyday I stopped sharing w/ my friends so often. I used to share alot of my weed w/ "close" friends. But now that I'm out noone seems to invite...
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    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    I hate taking breaks and I really love pot so unless I got 2 take a drug test I'm not taking any breaks lol you can overdose on water but you can't really overdose from pot
  4. R

    Howdy from Colorado says Denver Colorado is one of the top ten pothead cities in the world. Is this true?lol
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    Howdy from North Carolina

    North Carolina is a beautiful state and one that a pass through every once in a while. You must have some real nice smoking spots on those mountains.
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    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    Thankyou for the help ...I own the V-tower, , now normally when I'd use it I'd load the weed up (not too much, only a...
  7. R

    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    Thankyou for the help ...I own the V-tower, , now normally when I'd use it I'd load the weed up (not too much, only a...
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    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    Thankyou for the help ...I own the V-tower, , now normally when I'd use it I'd load the weed up (not too much, only a...
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    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    Interesting (probably shit pot then)...I have to try my vape out more often then and find out what im doing wrong w it...It's not just you but every1 I hear who owns a vape loves it and vapes more than smoking
  10. R

    I Need Some Advice About A Girl, Destiny or God Kicking Me In The Teeth?

    Fuck her and put a hidden camera in the room... then go 2 the jail and show him the pictures and laugh in his deserve the redemption and very few have the chance to take it. btw when you take the pics to the jail you should be eating something while your telling him all this. I'm...
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    Cannabis=My Religion

    Cannabis usage is where I bring my thoughts on life, the universe, and my beliefs into daily practice and thought. Alot of people like to use it to get "f----d up" ordazed out of their minds w/ their pals...and it's fun to do that cuz ive done it but lately it's been something very spiritual...
  12. R

    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    I know and the vape is supposed to be the best way to get high cuz it absorbs the pure thc. But I own the V-tower and it doesn't get me blasted even with chronic. I've gotten high off it b4 but only short highs. For example you know your hitting it when you can see the steam coming out of...
  13. R

    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    O I don't mix it with tobacco I buy blunt raps but maybe I should try zigzag.
  14. R

    When Police Go Bad?

    I agree with not breaking the law when driving but if there's one rule any innocent/guilty person should follow is to never talk to the police...just stay quiet...anything you say can or will be used against you so...just don't speak. If they take u to a cell then fine but in court you're going...
  15. R

    smoked a joint and DIDN'T get high

    Just smoked a joint and DIDNT get high...Ive been smoking for 2 years and up until a couple of months ago I had trouble finishing one blunt cuz I would get so high..maybe it was the weed (it was regs,which i don't usually smoke, but those can get me high) or maybe it was the way i rolled...
  16. R

    What Kind Of Pothead Are You?

    Dude I do the exact same thing...kinda. I smoke two blunts and go to the gym and then I usually smoke a blunt be4 work and another during work.
  17. R

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    clear eyes in your pocket
  18. R

    First Time You Ever Toked?

    I just started working at Starbucks a year and a half ago. I was about to go on break And one of the guys there (now a close friend) said "Hey man c'mon lets take a walk around the block" I knew what he meant but all the brainwashing of weed being bad really got me afraid of trying it. And he...
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    Haven't Smoked In 6 months

    Just be simple smoke a blunt by yourself. It needs to be by yourself because beieve it or not when it comes down to anything it's your relationship with that plant. It's between you and that plant. The Cannabis plant. It's like seeing your mom after 6 months, the only person it wants to spend...
  20. R

    What keeps YOU going?

    You got 2 have some shrooms to go with that microwave popcorn lol but I've heard from alot of ppl that they are happy going solar. I think cycling to Mexico is f***en cool, imagine going 200 mph on an empty road stoned - that's a feeling other things can't give you. I'm actually trying to...