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    Question about cloning

    Hi, I have six beautiful clones that appear to be taking to the medium very well. My question is should i remove the little bit of die-off there is or leave it to not shock the plant anymore than it already is? Thank you and any helpful answers will gladly earn some rep.
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    thanks for all the input
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    yeah, i thought i had it all right. i have good ventilation,fans, the lights are just high enough, i didn't nute until after 2 weeks either and in very small doses. the Ph of the soil was INCREDIBLY high for some reason. i scratched that project and have the clones now in GOOD soil.
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    i was using nutes fox farm , and my watering schedule was every 3 days with a light foliar feeding inbetween. i Think there was something bad in the soil they were in. i have 6 clones now that are taking like crazy! ( 3 Maui skunk x1 and 3 purple power) and my lights are a 400w mh and about 150w...
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    i have proper drainage and i have since moved her into better soil. she seems to be doing slightly better even with having been transplanted.
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    no one has an answer? too bad
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    Does the amount of light affect the growth of the plant?

    for vegitative growth you can go as far as to put 24hr lighting and the plant will grow like crazy but plants need darkness to form buds. If you are talking about doubling your watts you need to look at the potential heat of the lamps and also the grow space you are in. what is the size of your...
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    400w metal halide seems dim but i dont know

    PROBLEM SOLVED!! it was the ballast. something(yet to be determined) is bad in it i rewired my other 400w for 120 and fired it up and BOOM power of the sun baby! huge props to everyone who helped me out on this one!
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    i just bought a low bay light (400w metal halide) and it seems really dim. it came with two bulbs and both were dim. may it be the ballast and if so what can i do to fix it? i also had to rewire the light to 120v (it was a multi-tap light)
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    I need help on lights

    the cheapest is go on craigslist and find a metal halide or high pressure sodium that was pulled out of a gym. i just picked up two 400w metal halide lights for 15 bucks, they are only a few months old too.
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    Thousand Ways Too Kill Your Marijuana plant

    a big way to kill a plant is to transplant poorly. shock that poor plant to death
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    400w metal halide seems dim but i dont know

    i have two of the lights so i will convert the other one to 120 as well and give it a try
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    400w metal halide seems dim but i dont know

    it was on for a long time without being messed with but i have it turned off now and in 10 minutes i will turn it back on and wait. thanks for the input
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    do you think the ph is too high? i dont have a tester
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    What is wrong with the bigger plant?

    It just started to do this about 2 days ago.The leaves are curling inwards and the leaves are drooping. slight yellowish color too. and im not sure what could cause it
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    Welcome New Members!

    1.5 should still be veg unless you started flowering already in which case you would see buds starting o form
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    400w metal halide seems dim but i dont know

    i have tw o bulbs for it and i tried them both but they were both used but the same brigtness. I switched the ballast over to 120v from 277v and put a standard plug on it but that shouldnt affect the brightness though right?
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    400w metal halide seems dim but i dont know

    i just got a low bay 400w mh light and it is my first one but it seems a little dim my cfl set-up seems brighter. im not sure. i put my hand under the bulb and it is like a blue-grey light. does anyone have a way of showing me how bright it SHOULD be. here is a picture of the light, i didnt take...