Does the amount of light affect the growth of the plant?


Well-Known Member
If I double the amount of light given to my plants, how will it affect the plants growth/the amount of weed? bongsmilie
for vegitative growth you can go as far as to put 24hr lighting and the plant will grow like crazy but plants need darkness to form buds. If you are talking about doubling your watts you need to look at the potential heat of the lamps and also the grow space you are in. what is the size of your grow room and what lights are you running now?


Well-Known Member
when i started my first grow i had only 1 light on it for a few weeks, the growth was really slow and plant was small, once i purchased extra lights a couple of days later it grew like crazy, so i think you definitely need good lights and also i think temperature is important, for the first few weeks i had no thermometer and it was pretty cold in the grow room, i got that under control same day as new lights came in so that would have played a part aswell.

also i heard when it come to flowering, the more lights = more bud

If I double the amount of light given to my plants, how will it affect the plants growth/the amount of weed? bongsmilie


Active Member
If I double the amount of light given to my plants, how will it affect the plants growth/the amount of weed? bongsmilie
It all depends on how much light you're giving it in the first place. There is such a thing as 'too much' light; but in general, more light = more weed.


Well-Known Member
my grow room is really small big enough for 6 plants. I havnt started yet, im shoppin for the lights now.
could i use fluoresent tube lights?


Active Member
If you have a good ventilation system your best bet is to go with hps. If you don't have a vent system and are relying on fans for air circulation then you should go with cfl's. The link for my grow is in my signature, come check it out and u can see my cfl lighting setup and stuff.