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  1. Z

    Someone Help Me Out with a Light Trap

    i need to know how to make a light trap for my upcoming grow respect to who helps
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    How to make cocaine

    why would u ever want to make a real drug that actually destroys ur body when u can grow beautiful dank buds
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    heat delema

    due to living issues i have had to result to digging a hole under my deck its 3X3.5X4 im usin cfls and i was just worried about the winter months with the cold and snow that my plants would be kept warm enough and not freeze any feedback would be appreciated
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    pizza guy asks me if im high

    i love pizza
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    Dollar Store Grow

    what type of music should my plants listen too
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    grow setup what do you think?

    what type of setup do you have just curious, if i was to scrog should i just make one big scrog or setup individual screens in the space i have
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    grow setup what do you think?

    ive seen people vegg with soft white it just takes longer. ya the temps dont decrease that about ten degrease and i started off wanting to do scrog but i was told with cfls it wouldnt work well. thanks for the help
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    grow setup what do you think?

    so many views but no post god dam
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    grow setup what do you think?

    ive descided to do this grow extremely stealthy. so during this week of july/august i plan on digging a 3X3X4 or a 3X3.5X4 hole in my cellur. you be the judge. i plan on grown 4 plants here eventually but due to money problems i can only get the equipment for 1 plant. My lights will be 23...
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    Why not round?

    ive built one with snow balls and i say amen to this man tryn to grow the same amount of plants and watts in a smaller space. you guys are just know it alls appearently and if people stopped designing things and only went with the conventional then think of where we would be now
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    yo how do you get a duralast twin fan to switch to an exhaust fan
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    Stealth grow cab discussion/invention/innovation

    yo, look at this link its just what ur lookn for its a guide to make a dresser into two chambers one for veg and flowering with cfls and its withn your range for money its ill trust me youl be happy
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    Dresser Stealth grow HELP!!!!!! Ideas Needed

    you could check prices on the lights but i lst my plants with 6 23 watt bright white lights per plant and got 2oz and a couple grams off 3 plants but since you have a good budget you said you could probably get more lights and good nutes. cfls are better for your setup cause you dont have...
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    Air Exhaust from Underground Grow Room

    i did a similar thing but ln a much much smaller scale. i dug a hole about 3X3.5X4 and i had ducts comin from them. And to answer how he can get the equipment in there without being seen u get right at sunrise. no ones awake, if you go through the work to dig the hole youll be able to make it...
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    how big should it be

    This is my first grow and i cant seem to figure out how big my grow box should be. im growing 3-4 plants with cfl lights im gonna lst them so how big should i make the grow box
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    Micro rubbermaid cfl LST grow

    im blaezed so i forget the name for a hand held micrascope but you get one of those and look at the trichs (white or anmber mushroom looking things on the bud and leaf) when around 70%-85% of those have turned amber. if u want you can look up when to harvest and you can see when to harvest for...
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    Predicting 6oz-Massive buds: 1000wattsCFL: SS Big bud&DP Mazar 8WEEKS flowering Pics!

    ya i would def clean up those nugs but this cfl grow is amazing i hope my plants look like those
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    OP G13 Classifed take 2

    why did you give it tea, the plant looks amazing
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    what will this setup approximately yeild?

    its my first grow ever and forget the scrog im just going to lst the two plants when i start is their any thing i can do to this setup or plants that will maximize my yeild
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    what will this setup approximately yeild?

    i just built this grow cab its 30in X 28in X38in i've painted the inside white for reflection and plan on having a scrog setup in it with miracle grow soil my light setup is going to be two 23 watt daylight 5000k cfls for the sides of the plant or under the foliage and 6-8 23 watt soft white...