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  1. B

    Toke length and coughing to get higher?

    hey just smoking up and for the last 6 months or so i've been holding in my hoots for 5 seconds because i saw it on a website, but recently i saw that you only need to for a couple (and that you're just getting all the tar after that?) and also that coughing increases the amount of thc absorbed...
  2. B

    Pot Sweats?

    Ok so i was reading that you sweat out thc and thats how you get it out of you system to get higher (like with breaks and crap). I notice that my sweat generally reaks of weed but i don't sweat too much, even when i work out. Just wondering if this would make any difference for a t-break and if...
  3. B


    Yes but i've shot guns alot, trust me. Aiming for the shoulder wouldn't be too difficult and has a good chance of hitting, besides they have nearly 20 shots in those pistols, I don't and shooting pistols isn't that hard, it especially shouldn't be if your trained to use them. And he could've...
  4. B

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    Well thank god for that haha, besides Canada had an army back then (well technically it was the English Army)
  5. B


    Ya but don't ya think he could have thought for a second (yes against all odds someone using their head) and shot him in the arm, ya can't throw rocks without an arm and it doesn't give someone a death sentence. But I guess thats just if your one of the few people out there that has the mental...
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    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    Actually I live in Canada so I dont have the American Armed Forces to thank for anything. And yes I think we all know the muslims (and nazis) and jews don't get along, but that problems gonna go on forever, so getting involved and picking sides just stirs up more shit.
  7. B

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    Wouldn't it make more sense to prove yourself right
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    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    I don't see how killing muslims will protect americans rights either, unless free oil to the government is an american right these days. What good has the US military done since WW2, which they were forced into by the Japanese after leaving the English to die from Nazis.
  9. B


    Well ya can't get everything right when your baked writing on this crap haha, either way the main point was that it would be an exaggerated speed in comparison to the situation.
  10. B

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    And I'm being nice when I say you should grow a fucking brain, it's not like the Mexicans are getting rich at your expense, they're getting the minimal money needed to supply for their families, yes illegally, big deal. 20 bucks says everyone on this website breaks laws (unless there’s some...
  11. B

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    And Hitler had some good speaches too, he was quite poplular in his time too, and in their culture the jews were thought of as animals or at least a lesser people, he promoted his ways as making germany into a better society. The nazis were also far right wing (similar to the general population...
  12. B

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    Or maybe it's cause everyone's too cheap or gready to pay for anything made in their own country anymore without seeing how this will impact our manufacturing economy... just a thought... or ya forgot all you americans like to blame all your problems on someone else, its never america thats in...
  13. B


    This would also far excede any velocity a person could throw so it is irrelevant, thats two vehicles driving in opposite directions probably combining to a speed of 120mph.
  14. B


    And thats complete ignorance, besides generally in most civilized places your supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, so ya don't just automatically assume mexicans are murderers or gang members as an excuse to execute a child who had committed a crime that would have generally resulted in...
  15. B


    The car was probably going faster than the rock though and she probably didn't have a military helmet on...
  16. B


    Yeah Exactly
  17. B


    Frankly I don't have much against drug dealers or gangs, hell how are they any worse than the government or military, the military kills people, steals oil from Iraq, at least the drug dealers work for their own stuff and mind their own business if ya don't screw with them. The US governments...
  18. B


    Depending on where ya live, that's texas, might as well have been a soldier killing a jew in nazi germany, they consider them lesser people also demonstrated by certain people on this forum as well... Btw I'm pro-gun, i just think people should use a little more common sense with them, It's not...
  19. B

    Justified Taxation v. Unjustified Taxation?

    I'd say its a fair comparison, free health care would probably protect more people than all that money put towards the military, because they're not just protecting themselves anymore they're basically trying to police the world, who does this protect? The US military just needs to mind their...
  20. B


    I'd say he probably justified to shoot him, but could have also avoided killing him, considering a rock obviously isn't that dangerous and also it said that they were throwing rocks in their direction, they never actually said they hit the officer, which probably means that they didn't. Couldn't...