no arguments there.You also have to cut ALL benefits and incentives for them to be here. No free education or hospital visits as well.
just know that the world image of the us being what it once was (great) will now be changed to something else. maybe better then great? maybe not. time will tell.
America once stood for freedom, opportunity and prosperity. and many people all over the world want that and will risk everything to get here. Criminals know this also and will exploit everything to profit.
Yes the border is a huge problem, and illegal immigration is also a huge problem.
how could u get people to stay in their countries? get all the governments of the world that whore themselves out to corporations instead of providing for their citizens. maybe those countries are allowed to become socialists/communist u would not have so many of them coming over. (either because they like their shitty jobs/healthcare or because they are caged in like ussr in the olden days.
either way that does not seem to be a good answer because if these countries did become socialist/communist and also happen to be a country that America or American Corporations or even American allies had invested interests you know the CIA and other black agencies would ensure then said hypothetical country stay "Capitalism" friendly.
Capitalism is raping of the poor. eventually some of those poor people risk everything to will seek a better life. for generations now the world has heard how great America is and they want in.
If the world was united with a uniform Government system this might be plausible. but then that would mean no more war and war is too profitable to quit.
if immigration is handled the way most people here seem to want it to be ran, it could only mean one thing.
that America is not as great as it may have once been, its peak long passed and now declining . that would be bad for the "free" world and those times ahead that would be pretty shitty.
sorry for the post...