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  1. R

    Quick lighting question

    cool, works for me. thanks.
  2. R

    Quick lighting question

    I'm in the process of moving spots. I'm currently running my lights from 8pm to 8am. It will be much easier for me to deal with these plants if the lights were on during the day instead. I'm about 18 days into flower cycle right now. Would I be better doing 24 hours of light once, or 24...
  3. R

    Longest time you left a flower in veg?

    I just killed 2 Sugar High that were over a year old. Mine average about 4 Months in veg though, because I cut too many clones at a time and then get stuck with them.
  4. R

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    So I have read through this whole thread. And the probiotics thread, and a few people whose names I don't remember but linked grows through this thread in sips. I've seen the ridiculous growth rates, the debates and openendedness of wick size, the customizations, the cons of using hydro nutes...
  5. R

    Cali Greenhouse; Will White Greenhouse Film work??

    Close enough, I've been out of Cali since 2013. Auburn and GV are like an exit apart.
  6. R

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Your koolaid looks like fun. But I have some questions.I I'm probably going to build both inntainer style and the smart pot on a res versions of a sips soon. Due to factors beyond my control, I'm not ready to move into the source yet, but my clones are ready to come out of the cloner. It'll be...
  7. R

    Cali Greenhouse; Will White Greenhouse Film work??

    Call Carmens Gardens in auburn, ask what kind they sell. I used their greenhouse fabric for years in norcal and it was fucking spectacular until we got hit with 50+mph winds. It's clear ish white, pretty heavy, inside is coated so condensation doesn't build up, reflects light inside extremely well.
  8. R

    How will COVID-19 affect the election?

    It's not like anybody counts the votes anyway
  9. R

    Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

    The dems for preventing him from closing the border 3 years ago
  10. R

    Should Democrats shut down the debates?

    This place is going to be hilarious when trump landslides over that senile old fuck Joe or that wannabe communist Bernie. I don't even like the orange shit stain, but there is no blue, or even bluish candidate who is worth their seat in any office. The only good politician is no politician...
  11. R

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    took longer to fill the compressor up than to cut. I fucking love my plasma cutter
  12. R

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    And I thought $9.50/pack was bad.
  13. R

    Drying cannabis without anywhere to put it and can’t have the smell

    So if there was a room in the basement, whose only real air flow was the door, would say a 4"fan and filter in the room with a towel under the door keep the smell from permeating the house? We're moving, and while I have a good idea on my grow space, I haven't quite figured out drying there yet.
  14. R

    The Vietnam War was...

    Started by the press to make the sitting presidents family rich as Hell.
  15. R

    Are the Dem's doomed in 2020?

    Um no. Not everyone. I'm very much anti life, and anti human. Human beings asspecies are a plague upon the planet that has done nothing but destroy since they came out of the caves. Bring on the plagues and wars already, bring on an asteroid the size of Texas. The planet needs saving, and the...
  16. R

    Warren Vows Secretary of Education Job Dependent On Random Transexual Child's Personal Approval

    Did you ever think that just maybe all politicians are scumbags of the highest level? Or is it just easier to blame invisible foreign bogeyman?
  17. R

    Warren Vows Secretary of Education Job Dependent On Random Transexual Child's Personal Approval

    Maybe it will finally get rid of those pesky racist math and science classes in exchange for smugness 101, and "my mental disorder now controls your life", as well as "the evils of being white, why it's not discrimination to hate white men for the color of their skin and the bodies they were...
  18. R

    Trump's rape victim seeks his DNA

    Boy you probably shouldn't look at an age of consent chart, whether American or international, you will be greatly disturbed. Of course it's still 13 in Vatican City and those sick fucks can't even wait that long.