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  1. Lemon Heaven

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    i got be honest with ya that sounds like rubbish to me overfertilising is easily done and you will get nute lock pfftt
  2. Lemon Heaven

    Fan Leaves yellowing/browning/falling off whats wrong and how to fix it?

    just run water through the soil for about 10 secs compleaty soak it as to was all the nutes through and out the bottom, the leave until compleatly dried out like dry in the middle of the soil. thatll sort it! i put money on it lol
  3. Lemon Heaven

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    dont worry to much mate its a weed! and a very robust one its not gonna die just make sure that your soil is dry in the middle before watring again and no nutes as of yet. dont wanna add to the problem with nute burn right now. just keep it simple for now. hope advice helps.
  4. Lemon Heaven

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    dont use nutes yet i wouldnt, though depending what soil your using , the leaves look a little swollen looks overwatered, leaves do turn yellow when theres a change in temperture hot to cold.
  5. Lemon Heaven

    How to get a bigger yield.

    ill try and keep this basic but this is what i do, nutes are organic chiicken shit for veging and bone meal for flowering easily accesible from local garden centre. for a bigger yield what i do is to harvest in 3 stages, top middle then bottom leavin about 10/14 days after each cutting. so cut...
  6. Lemon Heaven

    Fan Leaves yellowing/browning/falling off whats wrong and how to fix it?

    the best thing you can do is literally soak the plant free of any nutes. and let the plant compleatly dry out in the soil only 5% moisture then re water as normal. if you havent already got nute lock. this will work mate.
  7. Lemon Heaven

    how much money worth of weed do average indica plants produce?

    most plants range between 500-1000gs per plamt per m2. with good soil and organic nutrients. anything more is just hopefull.
  8. Lemon Heaven

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    listen mate i have just come back from the canaries so i decided to use an appropriate sized container drilled some holes in the bottom/filled water then let it sit on the soil worked a treat that was for 10 days. hope that helps. i heard someone else doing this so i thought ill try it and alls...
  9. Lemon Heaven

    grey, ash like leaves? any ideas

    ready to be planted outside. :)
  10. Lemon Heaven


    Well thanks guys that kinda answered it for me. Think ill be keeping pictures hidden until compleate ,cheers
  11. Lemon Heaven

    Co2 overuse!

    yeah i agree with you man.
  12. Lemon Heaven

    grey, ash like leaves? any ideas

    i went to my little plot the other day and i noticed all the vegatating tips are going a grey ashy looking at the ends of each leaf, i was thiinking fertiliser burn but to be honest it doesnt looks so crispy and yello as associated with fert burn burn like an ash colour, i ve never seen this...
  13. Lemon Heaven

    Co2 overuse!

    I had noticed on this site that there was some intrest in the overuse of co2, now as a keen gardener of these thing and already using yeast sugar and water , i also wanted to know this answer. i searched and found this post to all who may be interested. I personally do NOT use CO2, as using...
  14. Lemon Heaven


    theres alot of talk on here about growing your plants etc. how do you know this site is safe
  15. Lemon Heaven

    would miracle grow work.

    having said this different fertilisers producing the same nutes can have better absorbing properties which help the plant flourish, i find organic fertilsers the best and keeps the soil healthy, MG just feeds the plant only, try using worm castings and worm tea, some bone meal, fish guts and dry...
  16. Lemon Heaven

    pinch your stems??

    when pinching stems you can do this from the first 3 weeks of vegative growth and there are 2 advantages to this. 1. pinching helps if you prefer shorter stockier plants, the thing is growning indoors wont give you thick strong stems like they do outside so pinching thickens the stem. can...