how much money worth of weed do average indica plants produce?


Well-Known Member
Zero. All grown smoke is meant for personal consumption.
Yeh, what he said. The whole reason I started growing was to get away from drug dealers and save a little money.

But, since indicas dish out alot of bud, depending on genetics and whether or not you take care of it, expect anywhere from 1 - 3000+ grams. Anything can happen.

Also, on the subject of money, I really don't think anyone could give you an accurate number, knowing that prices of bud changes often and is different in different places.


New Member
True. But by the time i smoke a half ounce id have another harvest ready. Why not make a few bucks wnd pass round the good shit
most plants range between 500-1000gs per plamt per m2. with good soil and organic nutrients. anything more is just hopefull.


Well-Known Member
problem is you are talking "average" indica,,,why not spend a few more $$$ and get the "special" indica?


Well-Known Member
Damn doode. I smoke 2 bowls every week. Jesus
you smoke just 2 bowls a week??! That's all?

Wow, if I could get down to that much per week.. I'd be sitting in chairs made of bud. Simply put, I'd be rich. ;) Rich with buds!

I deal with too many ignorant situations and people throughout each day of my life.. so I have to smoke every day. Not all day, but at least

twice a day. If not three times..

Wow, two bowls a day. :| must have a stress free life.
