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    Ask How The Founding Fathers Would Run The Country...

    Ahahaha look out past here I come...
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    Ask How The Founding Fathers Would Run The Country...

    Right after you ask Galileo how to work the Hubble telescope, Lao-Tzu how to run China, and Queen Elizibeth the 1st how to run England.
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    Republican Does Not Mean Conservative

    The republican political position is bent over, taking it in the ass from Mobile Gas ( or BP, Walmart, McDonalds Phillip Morris...) Any "conservative" who votes republican has no brain.
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    Thoughts on democrats and republicans.

    That chart basically vindicates the "tax the rick and feed the poor" method of taxation. Did you notice the the national debt growth explodes immediately following Bush Jr's massive tax cut to the top tax bracket. Unless nobody cares about debt/balancing the budget and just wants to do "whats...
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    How Rich Are You?

    Neo-conservatism killed America's economy and exploded it's debt through expansion of the millitary, the cutting of taxes in the top tax bracket, and the outsourcing of labour. And don't tell me that labour left America because of the unions. It was because the right wing encouraged free trade...
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    auto Cobra

    It's people like this guy that make Rollitup a shitty place. If your brain is that poisoned by macho political opinions just don't speak. We are here to talk about cannabis and how to grow it, which is illegal for most here. If your saying that your house-owning lifestyle is paid for by your...
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    anyone grown out kc brains genetics?

    PLASE GROW THEM!! and post pics, looking ninto this for my micro grow... please!
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    anyone grown out kc brains genetics?

    The germination problems are over...I think. I got two packs of Haze special last march for an outdoors run, out of 20 I had 17 pop and the last three were my fault as I had a less than ideal germing setup at the time (a dinner plate, some soggy rockwool and an upturned cooking pot over top of a...
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    Yes it's the free healthcare. No employer based heallth insurance is one of our trade secrets for siphoning jobs away from America. Also the lack of a party whose sole goal is to take money out of government programs and spend it on tax cuts for the wealthiest tax bracket. While growing the...
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    The party of no hits a new low. Repukes at it again!!!

    HAHAHAHA "If the progressives have their way, that won't be the case for much longer" On a day when you have a free second to do actual research (that means "thinking time" spent away from rush limbaughs limp dingdong) check out middle class savings and job creation numbers under Bush. The...
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    We do have stoopids, but they weren't demanding a change to the census form. That was our federal Conservative government bullying the public sector out of a few hundred jobs! It was kind of a Canadian version of an "executive order", parliament doesn't sit in summer, and took everyone off...
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    Here in Canada we have some smaller clinics with co-pays (no private hospitals) and that really takes care of the rich people who can't wait in line for hip surgery like everybody else. A very slim minority of wealthy Canadians (very slim) goes to America to pay out the ass for surgery because...
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    Ground Zero Mosque

    If even a bare majority of Muslims supported jihadism, America would have every right to stop this mosque and drop nukes on Mecca. Likewise, if even a bare majority of Americans were as racist and dangerous as Rick and Blitzkrieger, Muslims would have every right to crash airplanes in to every...
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    To the post above, I wrote libertarian and constitutionalist on purpose. I realize that nobody on this board is going to be a corporatist megachurcher, but it you vote republican your giving your support to their larger agenda. Your personal politics aren't heard when you tick off the box beside...
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    Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you. If you really believe that "Socialism" is a destructive force, tell me why Canada has a stronger economy and better healthcare. Try to do this without invoking a vast...
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    Early Havesting

    I got my K.C Brains Haze Special seeds at the sacred seeds seedbank. They had a pretty good germ rate for K.C seeds (11 out of 20 popped but I murdered/burned to death some seedlings by putting them in pre fertilized potting soil and adding a little nitrogen). Also the people who work there are...
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    Republican or Democrat?

    Uhmm no. Polis= city state Tician= Professional Politican= Professional Statist
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    Five myths about immigration

    In a free market system capital decides where and when things are produced for greatest efficiency of capital. What I was suggesting was that a true free market system would see almost every labour job go overseas to africa or asia where people will literally work for food and genuine slaves are...
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    Republican or Democrat?

    The best thing you can do is vote for whichever candidate is pissing off their national party, because the national party line of both major entities is a corporatist clusterfuck.
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    Five myths about immigration

    You don't have a medical system to speak of, fucktard. Just private insurance. as for What he is saying is that YOU are a drain on the tax system because you are not in the top 10% of earners in America. If you really, really want the rich to keep everything they "make" and end public...