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  1. allovertheworld75

    eastern ontario outdoors

    The qualities you're striving for sound just like the ones I prefer in my plants...though I am still just an amateur, and skills with breeding and the finer details still elude me. Being in Northern New England (USA), my outdoor growing conditions sound very similar...though perhaps slightly...
  2. allovertheworld75

    Widespread Yellowing and eventual brownin, dying and leaf drop- outdoor girlies-HELP!

    Thanx for the reassurance. It's raining now and is forecasted to contiune into the beginning of the week, so I will revist these ladies and cosider feeding them again once the rain has subsided. Thinking just to go with mollasses (1TBS/ 2 Gallons H2O), and one or both of Neptune's Harvest...
  3. allovertheworld75

    Widespread Yellowing/ Dying Fan Leaves; Outdoor

    thanx a bunch...i'll look into the tiger and big bloom...
  4. allovertheworld75

    Widespread Yellowing and eventual brownin, dying and leaf drop- outdoor girlies-HELP!

    This was also posted on the Marijuana Plant Problems Forum. Sorry if I'm annoying anyone by posting the same "call for help" on 2 different forums...I was just hoping that more people will notice this post: Hey Kind Peeps! Any Help would be much appreciated: I just hiked out to my 5 girls...
  5. allovertheworld75

    Widespread Yellowing/ Dying Fan Leaves; Outdoor

    Hey peeps! Any Help would be much appreciated: I just hiked out to my 5 girls to discover widspread yellowing and eventual "browning" and dying/ leaf drop of many of the fan leaves, and some of the smaller ones. Overall the plants are also light green in color. My expected frost/ harvest...
  6. allovertheworld75

    potting soil question

    Start tomatoes in soiless mix then transplant to a mix such as the one described above
  7. allovertheworld75

    Potting Soil Recipe Question

    That depends on the size of the pots they're in and what growing conditions they're growing in as well, like temperature, humidity, air movement, HID light or cfl, how well the growing medium retains water retain water, frequency of watering...etc. Don't overwater your seedlings to avoid...
  8. allovertheworld75

    Potting Soil Recipe Question

    Xare, If you're still out there... When you listed your fertilizer mixture: 2 part bonemeal 1 part bloodmeal 1 part kelpmeal 1 part greensand 1 part High P guano 1 part High N guano 1 part Dolomite Lime Do you make a tea with it or use it as a soil amendment?
  9. allovertheworld75

    Potting Soil Recipe Question

    Xare, Thanx so much for the info, I really appreicate it!
  10. allovertheworld75

    Hole(with conditioned soil)vs Hole(without conditioning)

    Hey, last season, I transplanted a handful of plants into a logged area...I dug large enough holes to accomidate the root wad and then deepened and widened them enough to add an additional 2 gallons of soil consisting or 50% Pro Mix (soiless mix) and 50% store bought compost (I think it was...
  11. allovertheworld75

    Potting Soil Recipe Question

    Hello All, I'm about to transplant NINETEEN 1.5 month old plants to 1.5 Gallon Pots. The plants are in pots that are about 4" in size, are between 3 and 5 inches tall and have no more than 6 or 7 branching nodes and are growing under a 400 watt MH which is hanging about 18" above them. My...