eastern ontario outdoors


Active Member
Greetings fellow growers
Just joined up to this site so i figured an introduction would be in order, I have been growing for 6 years and got started in an effort to help my parents out in the pain department by growing a few types and quite frankly got addicted to growing them (horticulturist by trade so i already loved plants) over the last few years my interest has turned to developing the perfect pot plant (a goal i will never reach of course but the fun is in the trying) Basicaly i want a plant that is super easy from seed, A fast flowerer (though not an auto) has a decent yield, great mold resistance, finishing by mid september and last but not least a great stone. One of my favorite things is to have med users pick out the plants that help them the most and then grow out the seeds from those plants in an attempt to develop plants and eventually strains that work best for their specific conditions.
It's been a pretty decent (and warm early) growing season thus far and my plants are coming along well with the first ones getting a partial harvest sometime this week and i have posted some pictures of some of the early achievers below.



Active Member
Smrt I would agree that the plants shown still have a ways to go and for the purply ones i figure on at least a month. Of the commonly grown strains i would say Guerilla Gold comes closest to meeting my requirments and those genetics figure prominantly in the seeds i am working with this year Early Durban comes closest in the Sativa side of things. I like plants that are extreamly frost hardy in the springas i like to direct sow the seeds into pots sometime in early april and the GG seems almost indestructable in that department as i have seen week old sproutlings survive temps down to -5 deg C. Nothing that i am growing is anywhere near what i would call a strain at this point and unfourtunatly my efforts took a severe thrashing a couple years ago thanks to an event that i call "the great seed disaster" where i lost about 95 percent of my crosses and most of my records so right now i am just describing them as clusterfuck seedlings.
The qualities you're striving for sound just like the ones I prefer in my plants...though I am still just an amateur, and skills with breeding and the finer details still elude me. Being in Northern New England (USA), my outdoor growing conditions sound very similar...though perhaps slightly more mild. Strong seedlings (resiliant), early flowering, gray mold resistant and done by mid Sept. are exactly what I prefer. Hmmmm, perhaps we could arrange for a trade/ exchange someday...I'd love to try your seeds next year!


Active Member
Hello allovertheworld,
I suspect nearly all off us are amateurs on the pot breeding front but it is my belief that amateurs have a lot to offer especially seeing that many are willing to trade seed openly and freely in the hopes of developing better strains for all to share (ok i will admit thats a somewhat idealistic way of looking at it). So what strains have you been working with? and how go your efforts?
I have tended to avoid the autoflowering types like lowryder as i was not to impressed with that strain but i am thinking of giving them a go again as some of the newer crosses seem promising. My preferance has been very photosensitive forms as they yield better (though i must admit on my earlier plants i am unsure if they are photosensitive or just an autoflowering plant that has a six week veg time vs the couple weeks of lowryder ((I will admit that the distinction is academic but i still want to know and will try and figure it out indoors this winer))
So how goes your grow this summer and when it comes to trading seed i am more than happy to do that.