Widespread Yellowing/ Dying Fan Leaves; Outdoor


Hey peeps!
Any Help would be much appreciated:

I just hiked out to my 5 girls to discover widspread yellowing and eventual "browning" and dying/ leaf drop of many of the fan leaves, and some of the smaller ones. Overall the plants are also light green in color.

My expected frost/ harvest date is between 4-6 weeks away. Perhaps the problem is a nitrogen deficiency or something else entirely, like a potassium deficiency, salt build up, ph problem? I read up on the "Sticky: Read First.." section at the top of this forum and noticed this about nitrogen dificiencies:

"Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop. Leaf margins will not curled up noticeably"

So, if it is a nitrogen deficiency, but too late in the game to worry about it or do anything about it, then that's cool.

And if I can do something about it, then that's cool too. Everything is 100% organice and do have several organic fertilizer options on hand.

A few other details: they well established in the ground, get full sun, and have had lower than normal rainfall recently. The have been getting fed ever 2-3 weeks with a combination (some but not all of the following listed things every time) of properly diluted fish emulsion, liquid seaweed, mollasses, bat guano, peruvian seabird guano and epsom salts. The last time I visited them, last week, I gave them each a combo of the fish, seaweed epsom salt and molasses mixed in "recommended" ratios with 3/4 gallons of water (each).

Only one of the plants is really coming along nicely as it is getting very sticky and buds are bigger and came earlier.

The pics are on top.

So what do ya'll think, is there anything I can do to help these ladies? I'm planning on visiting them again within the next 2 days. I can potentially take photos of the plants themselves, though I pruned off all of the worst of the leaves--the ones that were browning/ dead or dying, but left most of the yellow ones that didn't have any major discoloration besides the obvious widespread yellow.

Once again any and all help/ feedback/ recommendations would be much appreciated! Ahead of time, thank you so much for you time and attention.


Active Member
hmm yea light green could be under fed so i usually dont use weird combos of stuff like you are and just stick with tiger and big bloom nutes that will have everything the plant will need but dont use too much also check the ph and flush the soil just to be sure


Active Member
do you check the ph of your soil,it may be to low from the ferts your giving them,you said that it has been dry also,and that is adding to your problems.if your ph is off the plant cant take in the nutes like it should.your mix of ferts im not familar with useing them I grew outdoors for many many years and the best advice I can give you is keep it simple with the ferts,all I ever used was chicken shit mixed in my soil and the plants grew just fine. good luck


Well-Known Member
Often times, its a deficientcy CAUSED by ph lockout. I've been where you are now, and the truth is, your plants aren't going to bud like you want. Sounds like you're growing them in the ground? If they're in containers, you can give them a good flush with warm water.