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  1. J

    hey man you need to enable your private messages, these posts are public

    hey man you need to enable your private messages, these posts are public
  2. J

    blackjack - 6wk veg - time to flower?

    hola folks- i'm back again and my one remaining baby has been growing like mad. unfortunately showing signs of what i think is nute burn which i'm now flushing with plain water to hopefully resolve. but that's not what this thread is about. i heard most people start flowering on this strain...
  3. J

    this is not a pm

    this is not a pm
  4. J

    this is not a pm

    this is not a pm
  5. J

    this is not a pm

    this is not a pm
  6. J

    New Site Live

    First I wanted to say I like the website re-design. It feels clean. However, I've encountered a few problems: 1) some forums aren't rendering in my Firefox browser but work fine in IE (for example I cannot access the General Marijuana Growing forum on Firefox - it just brings up the website...
  7. J

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Guys - wtf is the deal telling people not to ask for sources? Posting it in public places where everyone and their mother might stumble across is leaps-and-bounds different than pm'ing some RIU community member that's known to be legit. I, for one, have had success with googling websites in...
  8. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    Yah turns out that plant on the right is dead and has been for a while... I finally poured it out and examined its root system - it didn't have one! When I picked up the top with the leaf sets it was so dry it just crumbled to pieces - must've been dead for a while. Good news is the other...
  9. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    Here they are now. The leaf curling seems to be indicative of heat stress. I've raised the light a bit to help with heat and too much light. I'll be watching the watering more carefully for the next few days.
  10. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    Went and read Uncle Ben's thread on moisture stress - I should have recognized the too much light problem earlier, the smaller plant seemed to lose all of it's green and turned yellow but I...
  11. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    thanks for the tips, will probably try the pellet -> cup -> 1 gallon for next grow.
  12. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    My water practices have been: I add water if when I dig down a bit through the top of the soil and don't feel dampness. I pour about 4 measuring cups of water on the soil (3 gallon container). I have good drainage with about an inch of small stones under the soil to help water get through...
  13. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    Yah, I'm only growing 2 plants but just went ahead and bought an MH/HPS lamp switchable since I figured I could use MH for veg and then use same setup for my HPS. I will likely try flouro on my next grow as it does seem my plants are behind all others I looked that were using flouro setups...
  14. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    Wow man. Really seems like I'm behind. I thought my plant1 (23 day old) was looking much better now, really started growing noticeably even between now and last night. My plant2 (19 day old) I'm worried about it hasn't shown much growth lately. Let me go through my setup for you: * 400w MH...
  15. J

    blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

    plant1 (pics1&2) is the 23day old plant2 (pic3) is 19 days old, same strain --- Plant1 really took over with a growth spurt this past week. I'm hoping plant2 will as well but it's almost lost all green in its visible leaves. I know it's hard to see in the pic, it didn't turn out great and...
  16. J

    blackjack - day 12 - nutrient problem???

    Hello, this is my first grow. This plant is 24/0 light cycle under 400w MH hanging about 2 ft. above the top of the plant. Haven't used any nutes yet but seems like the yellowish/brown matches up with some of the images showing nute deficiency. Have them in regular Scott's soil and did have a...
  17. J

    first grow - black jack 5 days since sprout

    bump to get another opinion. i waited to water the babies a little longer and the jiffy pots / top soil were very dry and the leaves looked even more curled under than ever. i went ahead and put in some water hoping they would spring back up but still looking rather sickly.
  18. J

    first grow - black jack 5 days since sprout

    awesome, glad you didn't see any problems. i "think" i have the gnat problem under control but the bigger plant from above pics seems like the concerning issues i've noticed are getting worse: 1) leaf sets are curling under even more 2) green is quickly turning more yellowish 3) around the...
  19. J

    first grow - black jack 5 days since sprout

    here's some better pics of the babies...