blackjack grow - day23 -feedback?

plant1 (pics1&2) is the 23day old
plant2 (pic3) is 19 days old, same strain


Plant1 really took over with a growth spurt this past week. I'm hoping plant2 will as well but it's almost lost all green in its visible leaves. I know it's hard to see in the pic, it didn't turn out great and still very small.

I started both in jiffy pots and just planted them in the 3 gallon pots 2 days ago. I decided it might be cool to do an experiment so put fox farm ocean forest in plant1's pot and regular scott's soil in plant2's. i'm also going to be sensi-grow/bloom 2 part for plant1 and jack's classic for plant2.

I wanted to see how much of an impact the different soil+nutes had on the end result (hoping both plants make it through ok). Might be over-aspiring for my first grow but I'm really just satisfying a personal interest of mine, I guess.

Feedback/questions welcome.



Active Member
idk if im reading this right but those plants are 23 days old??
if thats right then somthing is fucked???
ive got 7 day olds from germ bigger than those?

plz tell us more about how your growing whats the light there under and how far away is it?


Active Member
i had to dig through my pics a little but the plant on the right is a blackjack same strain as yours
and its about 40 days old
it was 3 days into flowering in that pic.


i had to dig through my pics a little but the plant on the right is a blackjack same strain as yours
and its about 40 days old
it was 3 days into flowering in that pic.
Wow man. Really seems like I'm behind. I thought my plant1 (23 day old) was looking much better now, really started growing noticeably even between now and last night. My plant2 (19 day old) I'm worried about it hasn't shown much growth lately.

Let me go through my setup for you:
* 400w MH lamp about 12 inch above the tops of the plants w/ air duct+fan venting heat out of the grow space
* about ~85 degrees farnheit, tried to get it a bit cooler in there but space is tight and without some serious vent work it can't happen. ~30-40% humidity in the grow space
* oscillating fan in the grow space helping circulate air
* water is distilled and ph reading was right at 7.0 when I took it on the water


Active Member
well i think its too much light and too hot for such a young plant.
i veg my plants under 4ft flouros and its a speedy veg everytime save your money for the hps where the power actually matters.
also 85 is a lil hot you want it to be about 75 all day. i mean are you growing a ton of plants or just 1 because if your vegging like 10 plants i could see u using that 400 watt but for 1?
naw save the money. i veg 8 plants just fine with 2 4ft setups around 25 bucks each.
if space is an issue id go with a 100 watt or so cfl.
you can tell by your light the plant has too much mine usually get a lil lankyier at first to reach twoards the light.
yours is bushing cuz it doesnt wanna get any closer to that thing.

keep growing and good luck
well i think its too much light and too hot for such a young plant.
i veg my plants under 4ft flouros and its a speedy veg everytime save your money for the hps where the power actually matters.
also 85 is a lil hot you want it to be about 75 all day. i mean are you growing a ton of plants or just 1 because if your vegging like 10 plants i could see u using that 400 watt but for 1?
naw save the money. i veg 8 plants just fine with 2 4ft setups around 25 bucks each.
if space is an issue id go with a 100 watt or so cfl.
you can tell by your light the plant has too much mine usually get a lil lankyier at first to reach twoards the light.
yours is bushing cuz it doesnt wanna get any closer to that thing.

keep growing and good luck
Yah, I'm only growing 2 plants but just went ahead and bought an MH/HPS lamp switchable since I figured I could use MH for veg and then use same setup for my HPS.

I will likely try flouro on my next grow as it does seem my plants are behind all others I looked that were using flouro setups.

But about the plant bushing up? I thought that it was good to bush up instead of grow too tall? Or should I try to promote taller growth by moving the light up? I was planning on topping them after 4th node to get them a bit bushier as well (better light distribution from what I've read). Anymore clarity on when to induce tall growth vs bushy growth would be appreciated.

Nice plants btw, checked out your journal - killer.
way too much water your killing the roots
My water practices have been:
I add water if when I dig down a bit through the top of the soil and don't feel dampness. I pour about 4 measuring cups of water on the soil (3 gallon container). I have good drainage with about an inch of small stones under the soil to help water get through without drowning the roots.

Now I just recently moved them to the pots (they were just in a saucer in jiffy pots) and I would add water to that. Maybe I was screwing up there.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the soil needs to be dry the container will be light like the first time you added the soil dig your finger in there brother don't be afraid act like its one of your sisters friends and get it into that thing up to the third knuckle...................
another reason i go from the pellets or 16oz cups to one gallon containers ,its easier to control the watering and the root system develops better before going to the 3 gal containers we finish in
the soil needs to be dry the container will be light like the first time you added the soil dig your finger in there brother don't be afraid act like its one of your sisters friends and get it into that thing up to the third knuckle...................
another reason i go from the pellets or 16oz cups to one gallon containers ,its easier to control the watering and the root system develops better before going to the 3 gal containers we finish in
thanks for the tips, will probably try the pellet -> cup -> 1 gallon for next grow.
Went and read Uncle Ben's thread on moisture stress -

I should have recognized the too much light problem earlier, the smaller plant seemed to lose all of it's green and turned yellow but I didn't change anything becuase the other one seemed to recover. The smaller one hasn't moved much at all over the last several days (I can't even tell a difference between some pics)... so thinking it might already be dead. I definitely think I'll look at a CFL setup for next time for initial veggin. Seems like a much better approach that slappin em under a big ass HID in high heat, heh.

Live and learn. Gonna snap another pic of the bigger lady and toss it here. It seems to have grown a decent amount since 2 days ago.


Active Member
ya bushing up is a good thing but usually the plant grows more even.
like a lil tall and a lil bushy. one or the other means an enviormental problem.
it could easyily be the heat the closer to the bulb the hotter and if the plant is already to hott itd rather stay down be the cool soil than go any higher

youll be fine keep that light cuz it will come in handy


Active Member
to be honest that plant is very stressed id fix up the grow room and start fresh with another seed once the temps are down ur gonna see much better results
Yah turns out that plant on the right is dead and has been for a while... I finally poured it out and examined its root system - it didn't have one! When I picked up the top with the leaf sets it was so dry it just crumbled to pieces - must've been dead for a while.

Good news is the other plant seems to still be showing strong progress.