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  1. bananakush

    Arjan's Haze #3 Soil 600 Watts

    What was you final flowering time? Would you say this is, as GHS website states, a "Sweet" sativa? I am interested in an incense-like, spicy, woody sativa flavor profile. Almost like Nag-Champa incense mixed with haze. Would you say this fits, your comment on N.India peaked my interest in...
  2. bananakush

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    any odors comin thru yet?
  3. bananakush

    Subcool's Super Soil

    if Subcool wouldnt mind offering an idea of how much supersoil each of his strains likes in the bottom of a pot, Essentially how heavy do they feed? I seem to be having a problem with overnuting w supersoil i think.
  4. bananakush

    Subtles WW, A-Train, P-Kush, Mama Mia, Skunk#1 Grow!

    How many days on your Himalayan Gold?
  5. bananakush

    Himalayan Gold HARVESTED with PICTURES

    How long did you let them go before harvesting? Did you notice a lot of variation if from seed?
  6. bananakush

    My 5 gal Super soil recipe

    do you reuse your soil or recycle it?
  7. bananakush

    My 5 gal Super soil recipe

    I use almost the same recipe, i add greensand in addition, with roots as a base. Kinda spin on Subcools soil, with a few things added