Arjan's Haze #3 Soil 600 Watts


Active Member
I watched this video about 10 times before I ordered the seeds.


I wanted a Sativa plant I could grow in a limited amount of space. The idea of a midget Sativa that puts out huge buds of high-quality Sativa sounded almost too good to be true.

Nutrients were 100% organic.

Fox Farm Happy Frog soil
5 Gallon Airpots
Botanicare Pro-Grow, Liquid Karma, Cal Mag and Sweet in Veg
Botanicare Pro-Bloom in flower
A few teaspoons of Fox Farms Marine Cuisine mixed into the dirt during veg
A few teaspoons of Sunleaves Indonesian Bat Guano .5 - 12 - .2 mixed into the dirt during flowering.

Water PH was kept between 6.2 at beginning of Veg and ended up at about 6.8 by the end.

I took pictures regularly during the grow but I'm only posting a few to illustrate the shape and size of the colas and to spare boring you with a lot of redundancy and blurry pictures.

This was 2 plants under a 600 watt light. I flipped them to 12/12 at 12" tall and they finished at less than 36". Colas were heavy and had to be staked and tied as the stems could not support the weight. As you can see, no dinky little popcorn buds. Those are spear shaped buds the size of small trees! I don't own a scale because of prohibition, but I'm guessing I'll end up with at least a 1/4 to 1/3 pound of dried bud. Those skinny leaves leave no doubt this is Sativa. Smell was minimal until final weeks of flowering and ended up piney and minty and sweet smelling.

Arjan and Franco told the truth. This is a real honest-to-Jah Sativa that produces decent quantities of smoke and stays under 3 feet tall making it possible to grow indoors in confined spaces. So what's the catch?

You'll notice at the Greenhouse website the that the strain was never submitted to a Cannabis Cup. My guess is because the end product, once dried and cured and smoked is just not Cannabis Cup class stuff in terms of potency. I will come back later after a proper drying for a smoke report. And I'll come back in a month or two after curing for another smoke report if there is anything different to report. I just chopped the girls last night and I oven dried a few buds for testing. Maybe I'm just not used to the creepy Sativa high, but it seemed the potency was not impressive. I've been smoking Nirvana Blackberry lately and that stuff will knock you on your arse. The AH3 stone seems mild by comparison. GH Seeds website quotes 13.9% THC which is not great by today's standards. But again, credit to Greenhouse Seeds for honest, accurate information about their product

I'm going to withhold final judgement until after curing and a final smoke report in about a month. Be sure and check back!



Active Member
Update: I watched the video again for the first time since I ordered the seeds. The screen graphic said 20% THC but at the Greenhouse website they quote 13.9% THC. I think the latter figure is closer to what I got with my plants. At the beginning of the video Arjan says this strain will definitely be a Cannabis Cup winner in the future. He also jokes about that with the dude from High Times midway through the video. But 5 years later the strain was never submitted to a Cannabis Cup. This supports some of Arjan's reputation for over-promoting the attributes of his seeds a bit sometimes.

After posting the above while not high, I sampled some more of the un-cured AH3 just now. Starting out with a clear, morning head, it's a really nice, uplifting Sativa high. My heart is not racing but I am really feeling the need to get out of the chair and do something! By contrast, after smoking the Blackberry, I need a block and tackle to get me out of the chair :eyesmoke:

So, I'm not totally unhappy with my AH3. It doesn't hit you like a baseball bat. It's a nice, uplifting daytime high.


Active Member
I grew 8 of those out last summer. Started them inside for a month, then outside for as long as I could. They took forever to start flowering, and I actually had to bring them back into a shed to finish them properly. Outside they grew over 6 feet tall.

Agree that the smell was minimal. That actually concerned me a bit. Practically zero smell. Agree also on the potency. This was not potent weed. Like you said, it was a good, mild sativa high. I will say that it turned me on to that type of sativa high, so I picked up some Super Lemon Haze. Now that weed (especially the sativa pheno) is a potent sativa high.


Active Member

It's been 7 days since harvest and buds are in jars now and I've had a week to further test the smoke. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'll give Arjan's Haze #3 a 7 for potency. It's not a 1 or 2 toke killer smoke, but it's not bad. Even though potency is not as high as a Super Lemon Haze, keep in mind that this plant is a heavy producer and much more easy to grow under a light than the typical haze. So, If you're willing to trade some potency for a decent yield from a Sativa-dominant strain that's easy to grow indoors, AH3 may be a good choice.

After a week of drying a distinct lemon smell was detected in the jar but not in the smoke yet. After a couple of months of curing I'm hoping for some more interesting flavors out of these buds when vaporized. Right now out of a bong the flavors are musk and sandlewood, making me think of Northern India when I smoke it. The high is very cerebral and goes up and up and up. 1 or 2 tokes will make you want to get up and move around. 5 or 6 bong loads it's almost psychedelic. I didn't see any flying elephants, but you can get really ripped off of this strain and the effect is very different from what I get from the Indica dominant strains common among growers. Just because it's a up high doesn't mean you want to smoke a lot of it and go into public.

Summary: Potency was a bit disappointing but yield was very good, plants stayed short and didn't grow into the light like many hazes will do and high is a true sativa high. Overall rating = 8 out of 10.

It's going to be a good summer :eyesmoke:



What was you final flowering time? Would you say this is, as GHS website states, a "Sweet" sativa? I am interested in an incense-like, spicy, woody sativa flavor profile. Almost like Nag-Champa incense mixed with haze. Would you say this fits, your comment on N.India peaked my interest in this strain again? I have a cut and I am wondering if I want to run it through.


Active Member
It was just a few days shy of 11 weeks of 12/12 and the plants were definitely done. Sweet? Not really. But after a month or two of curing I'm sure I'll discover some new flavors especially from a vape. You've got a cutting? Go for it if you have the time.

Rep to all who stopped in.

Live long and prosper.