First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS


Active Member
This is my Royal Haze beautiful baby, 46 days into flowering. I am feeding her once a week with 1 Tbs of Big Bloom,1 Tbs blackstrap molasses. Should I be feeding her, maybe 2 times a week? Anywho, here she is let me know what you think.DSCF4519.jpgDSCF4524.jpgliy.jpgDSCF4533.jpgDSCF4512.jpgDSCF4522.jpgukyru.jpgDSCF4523.jpgljkyl.jpgDSCF4521.jpgjh.jpgDSCF4528.jpg


Active Member
Not sure about the nutes as i grow in coco. The molasses definately makes a different in my opinion. Good looking plant anyway. You wont be able to stop growing now lol did u take clones?


Active Member
No sir, I didn't want to try cloning yet lol.I got a Blue Widow coming up also. I was going to try cloning with that one. I am addicted to growing now lol.


Active Member
Yeah it is an addiction lol. Don't be scared of cloning man. Its really simple. Some people just like to make it sound difficult. Use peat pellets. What kind of weather do you get? is it warm or cold climate?


Active Member
Right now it's winter. So I'm vegging inside and getting ready for Spring which is in April. I'm going to veg for a while and then throw my Blue Widow outside in spring to flower. I'm going to try cloning with her.


Active Member
Cool. Ive never tried doing indoor/outdoor before. Wonder if the nugs will be as solid as under hps? lots of people say outdoors is better.


Well-Known Member
Hey did'nt know you were hidding from ole SB1 ,lol man they look amazing so far with all the crystals and healthy fan leafs still, i hope im wrong but i know mine has been a very slow grower in veg so far and for 46 days of flower in your last pic's seems like we are going to have a lot longer flower then i thought! what do you think? Let me know what you think of the growth so far....Peace


Active Member
Oh yes SB, I'm not looking at it but flowering time for the RH strain I believe is 65-70 days? So yeah I believe it's got about another 3 weeks or so. I'm just lost about the feeding schedule I want to feed her more of the Big Bloom but I'm scared to lol. This is the first one to bud for me so I don't want to ruin it though.


Active Member
The growth of it was quite sporadic for me during veg, and also flowering. Right now she's root bound and not getting enough light so she is kind of stunted which is fine, because of where I live I'm not wanting ALOT of fruit. This is a hobby and for personal medicinal use, no monetary gain at all.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes SB, I'm not looking at it but flowering time for the RH strain I believe is 65-70 days? So yeah I believe it's got about another 3 weeks or so. I'm just lost about the feeding schedule I want to feed her more of the Big Bloom but I'm scared to lol. This is the first one to bud for me so I don't want to ruin it though.
I've heard they are pretty good with nutes so you can feed them as they want it but since you think they may be root bound might want to be careful with that you know you can take the chance and remove them from the pots and loosen up the soil a bit and add about 3 inch's of soil to the bottom of it to get a good finish..But that is a lot of work with such big girls..

The growth of it was quite sporadic for me during veg, and also flowering. Right now she's root bound and not getting enough light so she is kind of stunted which is fine, because of where I live I'm not wanting ALOT of fruit. This is a hobby and for personal medicinal use, no monetary gain at all.
I ffel you on that...


Active Member
thanks for keeping up with my grow though man, I shall keep you posted on every step from here on out. Will take some updated pics next week also :)