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  1. B

    Shrooms Vs Acid

    man think bout it, the shit gets touched by a ton of people then itl probably be less potent. idk it all depends on where it from. like any other man made drug thats gone through a few dealers... no way to tell. however i would say acid is more of an active psychadelc trip. on i personally love...
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    wanna share how u made it? ive been wanting to make some for quite some time... and how long did it take?
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    like i said, kinda new... care to explain or post a pic of a t5?
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    alright great =) i must have perfect soil cuz i just tested for N P K andPh and everything read great! oh and im sure that a couple of the plants will be males and my buddy is gonna watch a few for me. in my grow room im only planning on having 2-3.
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    im new and im not sure this is normal

    correct me if im wrong but isnt a positive thing to have some sort of a burner in the same room as your plants? i heard it puts/ takes stuff in the air
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    really quick i got another question .. is 6.5- 7 ok for a ph lvl? and thanks alot for all the advice.
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    aight good shit. yea ima see if a buddy can pick em up for me when hes out
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    im new and im not sure this is normal

    ha yea thats actually what their called but yea their basically heat lamps. the box said they were plant lights but they put out a hella lot of heat
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    im new and im not sure this is normal

    wow ha thats actually very helpful, knowledgeable and extremely well put together. unfortunately i dont think have any of those problems... is my bulb an incondescant? either way im gettin some CFLs hopefully tomorrow, and ima go get a fan now =) thank you for all of the great information.
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    haha yea they point straight at the light.. if i turn the plant or move the light they adjust to point at it.. and yea i just gotta get to the store for the CFLs, walmart dont carry them ha. like i said, i suppose for another day or two these lights will work am i correct?
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    im new and im not sure this is normal

    um right now i got 2 60 watt GE SPECIALTY GROW & SHOW ha thats exactly what their called but ima switch em soon as iget my 2 CFLs. hopefully within a day or 2 but the heat lamps i got now are working ok for now..
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    im new and im not sure this is normal

    my plants are around a week old and i have 2 heat/grow lights 1 of which is about 5 inches from the plants and the other is about a foot... im not sure the lights have anything to do with this tho... my plants are still a normal shade and color and the leaves aren't curling but instead of...
  13. B

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    idk if its just my shit or if the whole website got updated or what but my page does NOT look like that and i somehow created a new thread early but now i cant figure out where the hell the button 4 the new thread is... any help?
  14. B

    im pretty new and could use some tips

    i just noticed something about my plants tha seemed odd... the leaves are not curling or discoloring but for whatever reason they kinda point up ...i was thinking maybe for more/less heat or light? idk , kinda nervous so please gimmie some input,...
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    aight thanks =) do CFLS make more of a differance then what i got? aside from wattage? ha yea i was figuring i was going to eventually nee more, or bigger lights
  16. B

    im pretty new and could use some tips

    GROW AND SHOW PLANT BULBS ... 60 watts each which i know is low but they produce alot of heat and seem to be working well... isthere better bulbs i can get from a store like walmart? also, the soil is about 40 percent perlite mixed with a little hummus/manure soil and some other all organic...
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    im pretty new and could use some tips

    so i just started a shit ton of plants within the last week and a half and i wanted to know what i was doing wrong/right, i had a few questions, and ANY tips or pointers would be hugely appreciated. so far i have around 15 bubblegum seeds that a buddy bought offline and hooked me up with, and...
  18. B

    End of Week 4.

    fuck yea man that plant is sexy. dude if u ever get ahold of some more of those seeds email me asap... ill buy the hell out of em