im pretty new and could use some tips

so i just started a shit ton of plants within the last week and a half and i wanted to know what i was doing wrong/right, i had a few questions, and ANY tips or pointers would be hugely appreciated. so far i have around 15 bubblegum seeds that a buddy bought offline and hooked me up with, and surprisingly all 15 germinated anf have started to grow... i planted them at different times because they all started popping out of the shells at different times. the bigger ones are in bigger pots so the roots can go crazy but in the end theyre all gonna end up in 5 gallon pots. as of right now they stand about 2 and half - 3 and a half inches and all already have one set of serated leaves and most have a little second set... is this normal growth rate? they were a little stretched and in smaller containers but when i transplanted them i buried them basically to the leaves and after 3 days they have seriously perked up and the leaves have shown much progress. they are in a well ventilated closet with 2 specialty GE
GROW AND SHOW PLANT BULBS ... 60 watts each which i know is low but they produce alot of heat and seem to be working well... isthere better bulbs i can get from a store like walmart? also, the soil is about 40 percent perlite mixed with a little hummus/manure soil and some other all organic soil... i was curious if this was good? again, it seems to be working but some imput would be great.. then for nutes which i know i dont need for at least another week, but which are good for the veg and the flowering stages and are they available at a large store? well thanks for taking the time to help, if theres anything im missing or any tips or input, please let me know.


Well-Known Member
I would say there 2 routes, I believe in the US you can go to a Lowes and get a selection on 24w and 42w CFL's dirt cheap and they will work well aslong as you get a decent amount. My rule is 100w per plant. The other option is on eBay you can get a proper huge CFL grow light with reflector which in my opinion is better but is personal opinion. They come in 125w 250w and 300w. I currently have a 125w and going to be adding a 300w
aight thanks =) do CFLS make more of a differance then what i got? aside from wattage? ha yea i was figuring i was going to eventually nee more, or bigger lights
i just noticed something about my plants tha seemed odd... the leaves are not curling or discoloring but for whatever reason they kinda point up ...i was thinking maybe for more/less heat or light? idk , kinda nervous so please gimmie some input,...


Well-Known Member
Do they look like the lifting up and pointing up? That normally means there happy catching the light for new growth. Also the CFL's will you more lumens. Generally more wats = more lumens = more bud!
haha yea they point straight at the light.. if i turn the plant or move the light they adjust to point at it.. and yea i just gotta get to the store for the CFLs, walmart dont carry them ha. like i said, i suppose for another day or two these lights will work am i correct?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would say ok for 48hrs max I mean the sooner the better and the pointing just healthy. Mine do it too.


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine for a couple of days...

DJ's suggestion is definitely an option that some individuals take. However, the reality is that if you have 15 plants that you eventually want in 5 gal containers, you're going to have to provide a hell of a lot more light than some CFL's. Basically, it comes down to how much space you have, how discreet you need to be, and how much $$$ is in the budget. If you really want to have 7-8 plants flowering in 5 gal containers, you're gonna need to step it up to an HID (ideally: a 600W o/ 1000W bulb; realistically: a 430W Hortilux HPS bulb would do the trick for all practical reasons).

Just let me know if you want additional information, and I'll help you out. Otherwise, just stick w/ the CFL's, smaller containers, and hope for the best.

Btw, a 400W bulb is capable of yielding significantly more than the CFL's, but it's not to say that the CFL's won't function.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I forgot to read the bit about 15 plants. CFLS will struggle. you want perhaps 2x 600w HPS if you can afford it and thats minimum
alright great =) i must have perfect soil cuz i just tested for N P K andPh and everything read great! oh and im sure that a couple of the plants will be males and my buddy is gonna watch a few for me. in my grow room im only planning on having 2-3.


Well-Known Member
check out this link for a T5 fixture:

You can go bigger 6 and 8 bulb fixtures.

THey're slimmer bulbs than you would see in a school or warehouse (those are t12 or t8 most likely).

check out this link for HID complete system (system = bulb, cord & socket, reflector, ballast, partial hanging hardware):

Bear in mind this only a small selection from one of the cheapest online resources (there are others: dchydro, etc). I prefer PLH b/c they know what they're doing, good customer service, mostly quality stock for good prices. These are middle of the line systems for a 'good' price. You can go cheaper or more expensive depending on options and quality

Hope this helps.... There is a lot to take into consideration with lighting. Cheers, dak :joint:
Tips? Get a HPS and never look back. CFL's will get the job done for veg, but if i were you thats square one. I too suggest a good 100W for every plant, so buy accordingly. Get air cooled hoods. Get a tent and plenty of ventilation. PH, keep it around 6. If you use soil, go for fox farm. get a humidified for veg. dont use it for flowering. Let your soil dry totally out between each watering. Just be sure to water before your leaves begin to sag, everyone tends to overwater when they first start out. Fox Farm nutes are really solid and easy to use. Start up costs are going to get alittle pricey, but you can make it all back after your first grow. I veg my plants to a good foot and a half before flowering, I always get at least 2 ozs per plant, without running co2. Keep an eye on your temps, dont tell your friends, get a carbon filter, and enjoy this amazing hobby.