

Well-Known Member
Okay, So I made some for the first time lastnight. I smoked it and couldn't help but realize, It's more potent than just the bud. So if I made some Hash out of some mids keef, how much would a gram go for? Normally I pay $30 for 7g's. So 1 g of hash has to be worth something? Any ideas? USD. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
never had hash made from mids but id assume its nowhere near as good as the hash thats floating around by me.

i get bubble has made from the trim and small buds of sour queen and strawberry cough and it gos from between $15-25g


Well-Known Member
That's it!? Really? 15-20 a G? wow! That's a lot cheaper than I was expecting! I haven't seem any Hash in my area. so I bet people would want to get there hands on this shit! It's pretty good too! It's only from mids as well.. I was surprised at how high It actually got me!! Thanks for the feed back!


Active Member
hash ive seen going around is $25 i like it but my preference is i just LOVE smoking the original!! Some nice NUGZ.. hash is so wierd smoking i feel like im smoking a rock! HAHA jk to each his own tho


Well-Known Member
got some skywalker hash from a pharmacy around melrose for only 15 and dam i was surprised the quality was amazing i literally rolled it in a worm and rolled it with my flowers and dam that was the most potent stuff i have tried and it lasted forever usually it would take me 10-15 min to finish my session but not with hash it atleast lasted me 30-35 mins and i have a sleeping disorder and the hash is the perfect meds for it :eyesmoke: ....i seen hash around alot thoughand its always in the range from 20-30 but then again it also depends theres also ear wax, kief, amber, etc.....some are harder to make some easier


Well-Known Member
Well the way I did it was actually kinda easy.. I gathered all the keef from my grinder, put it into some Cellophane. Packed it really really tight. Then taped it with some scotch tape. Then rolled it in some news paper. Taped it shut. soaked it in warm water until soaked. Then thrown in the oven at 350 degrees F, for 10-15 minutes. When It's nice and hot, begin to press it with a rolling pin. until it's as flat as possible. You can repeat the process, I didn't have to. once all that is done, put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour. That's it!