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  1. ferretonmeth727

    need help with a very hard choice

    i want to start a small indoor grow op i have 2 yrs outdoors experiance and a horticultural and soil science degree and definetly know my way around a plant... but heres one thing that i just cant figure out.... would it be better to buy autoflowering plants or should i just let a normal...
  2. ferretonmeth727

    Seed Selection for Energizing High?? (for Bloombox!)

    since you only have 3 feet i would go with a dwarf plant they go from seed to harvest in around 2 months
  3. ferretonmeth727

    Noob grow, comments/suggestions please.

    great job considering the problems you had in the begining those look great.... btw when plant start to streatch just keep burying them up to there tea leaves
  4. ferretonmeth727

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    i started smokeing purley out of intrest... now ive been smokeing everyday for the last 3 yrs. i like it cus it helps you see the world from a different veiw... a view that may make you seem lazy but i think its stoners only do what they wanna do not what they should or necissarily have to do
  5. ferretonmeth727

    growing weed outdoors natural no nutrients or fertilizers

    i would reccomend useing your own soil and some organic nutes but if you do it right youll only have to go out to see your plants 5 or 6 times between pllanting and harvest. just make sure to water em if u go 5 days without rain
  6. ferretonmeth727

    Left overs

    i would acually reccomend sticking with that routine thats a great organic way to create nitrogen