Left overs

I was just wondering if anyone has tried this or not? As i trim during veg and flowering and harvest i have a bucket i throw all leaves into not a big operation so not to many leaves. Could i grind them up when dryed totally and add them to my soil when i transplant right before flowering


Well-Known Member
I do that. Normally one wouldn not compost in the same container as one is growing, esp with the same plant material as the one that is growing, but a few leaves every week wont hurt. If anything, it will dry out the top of your soil a bit faster. Then again, mostly its FIM clippings and the odd leaf that i knock off or dies because its at the bottom being shaded.


Well-Known Member
Yea, hash from 1-2 leaves every few days. That would only take a few years to get enough to pack into a bowl.