growing weed outdoors natural no nutrients or fertilizers

I'm thinking a lot about doing a outdoor thing this season but i want to just use water nothing else and just dirt from the ground completely natural. I'm hoping there's someone here with some experience with this because it seems like growing in its natural environment naturally would work.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking a lot about doing a outdoor thing this season but i want to just use water nothing else and just dirt from the ground completely natural. I'm hoping there's someone here with some experience with this because it seems like growing in its natural environment naturally would work.
Anything is possible. I hope you have very good natural soil where you will be planting. You will probably need nutrients though. If you want just go organic nutes. I dont think the plant will reach its optimum. IMO Good Luck


Well-Known Member
dirtyd is right. with no other nutrients it won't reach full potential and would take awhile to mature. If you want to go real natural, i would suggest finding a dead or "punked" out tree. I use the word punk to describe the black rich airated soil that sits either inside or around the base of most rotting oak, maple, black cherry and elm trees. That stuff is a absolute fantastic starter soil.


Well-Known Member
farmers of vegetables use ferts weather organic or chemical for a reason, the same with us ganja growers.
i would reccomend useing your own soil and some organic nutes but if you do it right youll only have to go out to see your plants 5 or 6 times between pllanting and harvest. just make sure to water em if u go 5 days without rain


Active Member
I understand the natural idea after all it is a weed. But at least throw some $9.95 miracle grow on them.. Best of luck.
dirtyd is right. with no other nutrients it won't reach full potential and would take awhile to mature. If you want to go real natural, i would suggest finding a dead or "punked" out tree. I use the word punk to describe the black rich airated soil that sits either inside or around the base of most rotting oak, maple, black cherry and elm trees. That stuff is a absolute fantastic starter soil.

thats pretty sick ive never thought that stuff was good for anything but being rotten should i just dig i say one wide long and deep hole then fill it with that stuff and plant the germinated seed in it like normal soil should i mix that into my dirt ??


thats pretty sick ive never thought that stuff was good for anything but being rotten should i just dig i say one wide long and deep hole then fill it with that stuff and plant the germinated seed in it like normal soil should i mix that into my dirt ??
I would definitely mix it into your soil to prevent nute burn.
Ok so this is my first outdoor grow and im thinking of growing ICE. I would much appreciate any tips you have specifically about the strain. My growing site is most likely going to be a spot by a river so i don't have to worry about water and im also thinking about using tin foil to boost the sunlight if needed.


Well-Known Member
if you can find the right dirt in your area, you can get great results
hands down the best grows i did outside were from stream bank dirt
find spots where dirt has been deposited in a 'delta', places where the stream floods every year and deposits a fresh layer each year
i'd put this dirt up against any other soil


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first outdoor grow and im thinking of growing ICE. I would much appreciate any tips you have specifically about the strain. My growing site is most likely going to be a spot by a river so i don't have to worry about water and im also thinking about using tin foil to boost the sunlight if needed.

Do some reading here you will find the answers to the questions you have..

:hump:As far as tinfoil er um no you wont need to do that


Well-Known Member
make sure your soil is aerated, you should at least turn the soil in the spot that you will be planning. might as well add some nutes while your at it


make sure your soil is aerated, you should at least turn the soil in the spot that you will be planning. might as well add some nutes while your at it
I aerated my soil last season and my plant was dug out by a groundhog and eaten. Stealth requirements don't allow for me to use wire mesh. Have you ever had this problem?


Well-Known Member
of your gonna grow that way save all your fruit and veggy leftovers and throw them on the soil right by the stem or burry the fruit and stuff in the groud under the plant and if you have a dog its poop is good too

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I would just grow organic and make a simple compost tea, I have all the stuff laying around my house to start making it, and my girl is growing like nuts.


Active Member
If you soil is good all you will have to do is put some seeds down and they will grow, and the better the soil the better the plants. Now here in wisconsin we have some very good soil, or I do anyway. I have been growing for years and all I ever do is make my holes when out deer hunting and burn wood in the hole than put the soil and ash (mixed ) back in hole than add seeds the 1st of june, or alot of times if I can I will put my plants that I started indoors in Feb. Pot ass and good soil is all you need. I will take pics of mine so be looking for them and you can see what they look like.