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  1. S

    What to do....stress induced hermie.....

    No sacks thankfully! Ill conferm that again tonight. might give it the AX early. They are still 2 days away from 8 weeks. Im just worried that they want have all the ferts out of them. I did use an all organic food, and some of the researh I did told me that it isnt a big deal to do 10days of...
  2. S

    Good lights for a small grow box?

    Rough est. figure 50 watts per plant. figure the amount you want to grow, then aply the correct wattage in the space. Ps. make sure the space you use allows enough head room and room for ventalation and light/s and a filter if you run one.
  3. S

    What to do....stress induced hermie.....

    left side is the hermie and the right side seems all woman. the sigle pics reflest the left and right side of the box
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    What to do....stress induced hermie.....

    Is there a type of hermie that only produces seeds but not pollen sacks? Today is only the 3rd day of filtered water. In the grand scheam of things will 7 more days do that much damage? That is if the worst case is that my other ladie is already pollenated. I see no signs of seeds or sacks on...
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    What to do....stress induced hermie.....

    As the title states, I have a hermie. I belive the culpret is from heat. It got a little warm a few times. So I did some research but am still a little unclear on somethings. I see no "bannanas" just hairs and tricks. But there are some seeds. I took a sample and found a seed. 1. if it has...
  6. S

    how do you guys keep temp down without A/C.

    Hey how about a little more info. Beside your air cooled hood what else are you doing, circulation fan, passive intake, is there a scubber on the end of your light, what size is the room and is the cfm ration adaquite?
  7. S

    Dumbass question.

    They are all plotting...for sure....plotting to become big, stinky and potent
  8. S

    Dumbass question.

    well I did it, I let the light come on at the normal time, then pulled the pins and reset the timer for the same 12/12, with the correct daylight savings time. thanks for the imput everyone.
  9. S

    Dumbass question.

    Thanks for the feed back! I honestly look at my timer everyday. Its kind of a POS I set it for "said" time but when open the door its dark. i have to click it ahead. I need to invest in a better timer. what if I let the light come on then pull the pins and set it to the correct time...
  10. S

    Dumbass question.

    Should I mess with my timer, due to daylight saveings time change?
  11. S

    1st grow, can filter, scrog

    Right on, thanks for your experance. Im on my 10th day of 12/12. I just lolliepopped them lastnight. So I have a feeling that some of my smaller tops will be a bit bigger tonight. Or not much will have change do to the carnage that occured lastnight lol. Ill post a PIC undate tonight, showing...
  12. S

    1st grow, can filter, scrog

    To start off thanks for giving me some feedback. I did top all of my plants a few weeks back. I only topped the main growth, not any of the side branching. The screen is pretty full. I was definitly at like 70% full before I flipped to 12/12. I had to do some major fan leaf maintance...
  13. S

    1st grow, can filter, scrog

    can I get some imput to my question I asked 2 posts up?
  14. S

    Very Good Question!(Advanced)

    Do you know the strain or is it bag seed? Are they all the same genetics? Indica or Sativa or hybred? Everyone will need more info to help you.
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    Security #1

    some good thoughts there.
  16. S

    1st grow, can filter, scrog

    bump for answer to question.
  17. S

    1st grow, can filter, scrog

    how long do idicas strech durning flowering? Is it roughly 2 weeks or could they continue to strech for a month.? Genetics aside looking for a rought time frame. Also dose virtical growth when budding sets in?...bump
  18. S

    Fan carbon filter advice

    Its roughtly 32"w x32"t x 18"d
  19. S

    Fan carbon filter advice

    The filter dimentions are 6" in diamiter X 18" long, the fan is strong enough to pull through the intake which has part of a motorcycle air filter to keep out dust and bugs. Then pull through the Can filter and ducting and out the fan. keeps the temp at about 85. Ycan see the intake filter...
  20. S

    1st grow, can filter, scrog

    Here are a few more pics.