What to do....stress induced hermie.....

As the title states, I have a hermie. I belive the culpret is from heat. It got a little warm a few times. So I did some research but am still a little unclear on somethings. I see no "bannanas" just hairs and tricks. But there are some seeds. I took a sample and found a seed.

1. if it has seeds, will it have pollen?
2. do only genetic hermies produce pollen?
3. how long will it take to produce viable seeds?

day 52
2 diff bagseed op
Is there a type of hermie that only produces seeds but not pollen sacks? Today is only the 3rd day of filtered water. In the grand scheam of things will 7 more days do that much damage? That is if the worst case is that my other ladie is already pollenated. I see no signs of seeds or sacks on the 2nd ladie.


Active Member
if you've seen a single banana get it the fcuk out of the room and into the trashcan.

it will produce pollen.
and fuck everything up
No sacks thankfully! Ill conferm that again tonight. might give it the AX early. They are still 2 days away from 8 weeks. Im just worried that they want have all the ferts out of them. I did use an all organic food, and some of the researh I did told me that it isnt a big deal to do 10days of filtered water. I hope it wont ruin the taste. They have had only 4 days of clear water. I was orginaly thinking of harvets on about the 9th week. Tricks have started to change. deffinitly have some amber mixed in with some more clear than milky tricks