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    upside down trial

    wow this way makes it grow very slow
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    my big 7ft indoor bitch is getting ready for harvest in about 2-3 weeks yay
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    molasses and pHing

    im not sure if this is this is correct though i would adjust ph after molasses
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    hps ballast help

    its a growlush 600w non digital
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    hps ballast help

    it was brand new and it did it when i opend the box i just cant be stuffed sending it back under warantee as it will take me around 3-5 weeks to get the replacment
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    hps ballast help

    bump. anyone know?
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    hps ballast help

    hi i have a 600w hps ballast im having some trouble with it when i want to turn it on ill need to sit there for like 5 minutes turning the power on and off untill it turnes on and sometimes when im trying to do this the light will flash on and off when i turn it to off mode though it will light...
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    Help Week 6 Flower/yellowing fan leaves

    as the others say this can be normal and it could be a nitrogen problem thhough going by them pics i say dont worry about it and let them finish
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    Help!! Don't know what is going on with my plants

    are your air stones clean lots of bubbles coming up?
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    quick questions from a newb

    little heads up cfl sucks if you want good yield go a hps setup
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    Please Help! Brown Spots Near Edges Of Leaf!

    sounds like nute burns.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    My mate told me they are both female though im not too sure. i belive 1 is female and not sure about the other 1 ill post some pics up tomorrow when its day light from a good cammera this time and not my phone lol. i transplanted 1 of the plants into the garden bed
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    no idea there just seeds i get lucky to find in weed that i buy lol
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Here are my pics of my 2 out door bitches And here are a couple of my first atempt at indoor growing
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    i have heard alot about sexing plants. can someone please explain how this is done to make a plant grow female rather than male?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    hey yea i got 2 out door plants 1 started flowering a month ago then changed back to veg bloody bs though my other plant started flowering about a week ago ill stick some pics up in a few minutes
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    How often to change res?

    Ok then thanks for the help ill change the res now n ill look into getting 1 of them meters on ebay Cheers
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    How often to change res?

    what do thse meters check for? only knew about ph meters and light meters
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    How often to change res?

    Hi ive got a wierd home made setup im using i was just wondering how often the res will need to be changed? or do i just top it back up with water n nutes? i have a setup that has a air pump and a water pump that is running to 1 plant that hasnt had its roots grow all the way down to the nutes...
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I allways buy from here i got a 600w hps ligh+shade+ballast a 1.2mx1.2mx2m grow tent 1L grow juice 1L bloom juice all for only $380 they allways have specials its the case of catching them when there on or go to there ebay store for even cheaper prices and even...