quick questions from a newb


Active Member
As I already mentioned I'm a newb with a few questions. One of my main question is how big or how many plants will I need for atleast 2 oz. I have already started the degerm procedure not sure if I'm pronouncing it right. My next question is I've been stuck with which cfl lights to go with 23 watts or ?? I only have 1 seed I wanna plant before I touch the other few I have. Juss so I can experiment and get familiar with it. As well I'm planing on growing indoor. So what would be some good materials to invest in and how should I set my lights up. I've been trying of a way to come up with a custom lamp but no luck. All help is appreciated I've read the tutorials on here so I kinda get most of the stuff. Through my start I will be reading just to be familiar! Thanks for the help and happy growing! :)


As I already mentioned I'm a newb with a few questions. One of my main question is how big or how many plants will I need for atleast 2 oz. I have already started the degerm procedure not sure if I'm pronouncing it right. My next question is I've been stuck with which cfl lights to go with 23 watts or ?? I only have 1 seed I wanna plant before I touch the other few I have. Juss so I can experiment and get familiar with it. As well I'm planing on growing indoor. So what would be some good materials to invest in and how should I set my lights up. I've been trying of a way to come up with a custom lamp but no luck. All help is appreciated I've read the tutorials on here so I kinda get most of the stuff. Through my start I will be reading just to be familiar! Thanks for the help and happy growing! :)
little heads up cfl sucks if you want good yield go a hps setup


Well-Known Member
Read my goin loco journal, I just harvested one plant and got an oz using just one cfl, it is possible

total cost was $234

if you cross over to my noob advice thread you will see exactly how I did it


Active Member
little heads up cfl sucks if you want good yield go a hps setup
CFL'S work fine for low budget grow I started on CFL'S and I think its a great starting point for newb's I'm in the 3rd week flower and look at these from cfl's !! I'm going to HPS soon also but i think they are great starting point for any new grower !!



New Member
little heads up cfl sucks if you want good yield go a hps setup
so not true man....yes , you can grow larger yeilds with hps....but you can also grow fantastic ganja with cfls....
some people cant afford hps......cfls have benefits to, you can get them as close as a half inch away from your plants, you can fit them just about anywhere(sides, bottom, top,ect..ect.) and their cheap as hell and hardly put out any heat.....Ive pulled 3 oz,s off of one plant using 550 watts of cfl and floros. by placing them all around the plant.
So dont lead this guy the wrong way.....cfls work damn good, sure if you can afford it and have space to deal with heat issues then go with a hps for bigger yeilds, but if your on a budget, cfls will get the job done......


Active Member
How much hps lights run for and where can i get them?? Also how much more on light bill will that be


Active Member
Thanks to everyone here for the help! Really appreciate it! Im thinking of this set up tell me what you guys think its missing. Im not too familiar with any of the other stuff i need.

Im planing on getting that to house them in.. Cause Im not trying to go all out still learning

This light

as of fans and duct i dont know how they work so can someone please explain that to me? as well im looking at some thermo


Active Member
As well anyone that used the growbox could you show me a layout on how should set up fans. I dont kno how to or whats the purpose of them thanks


Well-Known Member
if ure a diy guy/gal and funds r tight 150 watt security light from depot or lowes . look in my links for cheap diy options 35 -1000 watt ballast kits 4 cheap and hoods :joint: ......


Active Member
if ure a diy guy/gal and funds r tight 150 watt security light from depot or lowes . look in my links for cheap diy options 35 -1000 watt ballast kits 4 cheap and hoods :joint: ......
How big of a plant can I grow with that?? kinda newb ? I know. Im trying to get atleast a half of lb on two diff strains


Well-Known Member
How big of a plant can I grow with that?? kinda newb ? I know. Im trying to get atleast a half of lb on two diff strains
for someone new its kind of hard to grow with cfl as you wont have much growth and the plant stretches etc it makes everything come out wrong and if you posted pics we would all say GET THE LIGHT CLOSER if dude is on a budget dont waste your dam money on cfl especially if your growing one plant. You want some weed off the plant dont go cfl get at least this 150w hps and get bigger lights going forward.


site has awesome prices on bulbs and ballasts. yah you can use CFL but you will be asking so many questions as it takes longer and for beginner I disagree and think its much easier to go with a "dummy" proof light such as HID. So much lighting compared to the cfl you cant go wrong. You can move on to other questions and always think more is better with the lights. If you waste your money on cfl now you will not buy the HID and we will keep seeing you on here saying next grow I am going to do this and that. Do it now and get the HID start off right and dont get discouraged.


Well-Known Member
whatever size you get with the cfl you will easily get twice as much with the HID unless you get very very good with the cfl AND nutes. the goal you are after is roughly 1 gram per watt of lighting so even if you figure 1 gram for every 2 watts how many do you think your getting off the 23watt cfl? do the simple math and stop asking and buy the HPS your spending 70 bucks at the least so thats your first goal. Do yourself the favor and save money on other things not your lights and dont get the home depot crap and rig shit up just buy the one with reflector plug already spliced and such


Active Member
whatever size you get with the cfl you will easily get twice as much with the HID unless you get very very good with the cfl AND nutes. the goal you are after is roughly 1 gram per watt of lighting so even if you figure 1 gram for every 2 watts how many do you think your getting off the 23watt cfl? do the simple math and stop asking and buy the HPS your spending 70 bucks at the least so thats your first goal. Do yourself the favor and save money on other things not your lights and dont get the home depot crap and rig shit up just buy the one with reflector plug already spliced and such
Yeah I did! I had a friend that introduced me to this site and he was telling me about doing them withh cfl. but then i saw the hps and how they work. Im going to order thhat hps either sometime today or tomorrow. Thanks for that I wasnt sure which one to go with. As well what good set up for air flow should I get. I like this site you linked me to they have good prices. Your a real good help rep added =)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I did! I had a friend that introduced me to this site and he was telling me about doing them withh cfl. but then i saw the hps and how they work. Im going to order thhat hps either sometime today or tomorrow. Thanks for that I wasnt sure which one to go with. As well what good set up for air flow should I get. I like this site you linked me to they have good prices. Your a real good help rep added =)
I have seen some very nice grows with the cfl but none from any n00bs, I got that 150 first grow and before it was over I got a 400 then 600 and finally a 1000 but looking back I would just stick with more 600 for energy savings. I think the 70 bucks is worth it for you to start off with strong light that is good for entire grow and eventually if you buy a larger one this one can be used for the seedlings and clones. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
The thing that I hate about HPS is that its hard to be stealthy with them and its a lot of work setting up cool tube and stuff like that. I recommend that you go with CFL especially if its your first grow. This is my opinion and I am no pro at growing.


Well-Known Member
for someone new its kind of hard to grow with cfl as you wont have much growth and the plant stretches etc it makes everything come out wrong and if you posted pics we would all say GET THE LIGHT CLOSER if dude is on a budget dont waste your dam money on cfl especially if your growing one plant. You want some weed off the plant dont go cfl get at least this 150w hps and get bigger lights going forward.


site has awesome prices on bulbs and ballasts. yah you can use CFL but you will be asking so many questions as it takes longer and for beginner I disagree and think its much easier to go with a "dummy" proof light such as HID. So much lighting compared to the cfl you cant go wrong. You can move on to other questions and always think more is better with the lights. If you waste your money on cfl now you will not buy the HID and we will keep seeing you on here saying next grow I am going to do this and that. Do it now and get the HID start off right and dont get discouraged.
Light is merely one element in your garden that you need to understand and more is not always better.

I just harvested 92.4 grams wet 35.9 grams dry with one 65 watt cfl and one 32 watt T9 (see avatar) 97 watts total, that works out to .37 grams per watt

The one plant was only 21 inches tall topped and lst'd with 6 colas, details in my Goin Loco journal as I said earlier

Understanding how to dial in the elements of your garden is how to get good yields, it is the sum of all parts that make a good grow, I explain how to do just that in my NooB Advice thread

Good Luck with your grows



Active Member
I have seen some very nice grows with the cfl but none from any n00bs, I got that 150 first grow and before it was over I got a 400 then 600 and finally a 1000 but looking back I would just stick with more 600 for energy savings. I think the 70 bucks is worth it for you to start off with strong light that is good for entire grow and eventually if you buy a larger one this one can be used for the seedlings and clones. Good Luck
how much did you get back from the 150 and the 600 plants. I might look into some 600's because i read a lot of journals and i seen people come out to make close to a qp with them. I ordered thhe 150 so it should be here shortly =) cant wait

The thing that I hate about HPS is that its hard to be stealthy with them and its a lot of work setting up cool tube and stuff like that. I recommend that you go with CFL especially if its your first grow. This is my opinion and I am no pro at growing.
The thing is wit a cfl Ill juss waste my time on a avg plant thhat wont give me close to 2oz. Plus I already bought a grox box it would juss be stupid to waste money on some cfls.. But thanks for the opinion

Light is merely one element in your garden that you need to understand and more is not always better.

I just harvested 92.4 grams wet 35.9 grams dry with one 65 watt cfl and one 32 watt T9 (see avatar) 97 watts total, that works out to .37 grams per watt

The one plant was only 21 inches tall topped and lst'd with 6 colas, details in my Goin Loco journal as I said earlier

Understanding how to dial in the elements of your garden is how to get good yields, it is the sum of all parts that make a good grow, I explain how to do just that in my NooB Advice thread

Good Luck with your grows
You basically really made was a oz and a 8th. Im not trying to make that im trying to get atleast a qp or a half. Thats my aim for my first grow. Thanks for the help and i saw your journal when i first joined the site. i learned a few things from it =)

btw does anyone know how big of a growbox will i need to make a half pound?? and if the 150 hps light would produce that? Aswell could anyone show me a diagram of how i should run my carbon filter and ducts for it as well how should it be facing and whats the best fan to get. thanks for all the help


Active Member
I bought a tent 16.8*16.8*48 with a 150w hps light. The germ. process juss finished so I already got them in a small plastic pot cup size that i bought from the dollar store. How many times a day should I water? and also when should i nute? 2 weeks or 3? as well what are some good ones and where do they sell them