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  1. G

    DAY 12 of 12-12 wtf

    males should show first. mine took 2 weeks to show the males and another week maybe a week and a half to show the females.
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    2700 vs 6500 question on wattage

    13w seems a bit low. i like to use all 26w bulbs and i usually go 3:1 so 3 x 2700k to 1 6500k daylight or cool white then you get the full spectrum you could even change one of the 23w to a daylight 23w or even a 26w
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    refurbished ballasts

    i just bought a digital 600w off ebay they have lots of really good deals. id start there you may be able to get a brand new one for the same price
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    emergency new grower needs help badly, harvest at risk

    i wouldn't be foliar feeding when its dark or about to be the plants need to dry off. i wouldn't even foliar feed unless theirs an actual need. your plants should be fine getting it from the growing medium. especially when flowering as it can cause the buds to mold you didnt say how often...
  5. G

    Which will produce a larger yield ?

    i use both. i just use more 6500k's during veg and more 2700k's during budding. then there getting the full spectrum. as for taking clones yes depending on your strain you may have to adjust the time you take the clones. usually plan 2 weeks for the clones to root and id say atleast 2...
  6. G

    Which will produce a larger yield ?

    i would go with 6 - 9 x 1 gallon pots and grow them to just under a foot for when you set the 12/12 schedule. you should easily get an oz per plant depending on your light situation. if you have a veg area i would even probably start 4 plants every month so theres 8 plants total budding at...
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    3 weeks 12/12, no pistils

    try checking in the corner of the nodes where a fan leaf meets the main stock near the top of the plant. heres a pic of mine
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    its been a bit since i posted anyhting so heres an update. that plant was a make so im down to the 1 female plant. better then nothing right shes going into flowering hard and there are white hairs everywhere. i also got my clones in the mail. strawberry cough and bubba kush. the guy my...
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    ok i need some help. the 2 plants left which i assume are female are starting to show pre flowers. but these preflowers look almost the same as the male ones but not quite the same. can anyone chime in and let me know what they think of the pics and if it looks like a female preflower these...
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    heres some updated photos. im almost 100% sure now 2 are males. if anyone would be so kind to give me there impression from the photos what you think to me it looks like a little ball on a very small stick. the other 2 smaller plants still have yet to show any signs of sex. im pretty...
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    First Grow Journal - CFL Jack The Ripper

    for nutes i started using PureBlend Pro Grow and bloom as for the lights just be sure you have right right spectrum first. if you planning on vegging use a few daylight 6500k CFL bulbs then for budding switch t the soft white 2700k cfls. as for if you have enuf light for your area those bulbs...
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    well i think i have 2 males atleast. before i had said 2 of each plants r identical to each other. so 2 are taller and 2 are shorter. the 2 taller ones defidently have some preflowers and they do look male. the 2 smaller plants dont really have any yet. everything i read online says the...
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    thanks everyone for the comments. there 23 days old now and 6 days into 12/12 my doctor signed my medical marijuana application so looks like in about 4 weeks i will be 100% legal to grow :bigjoint: he recommended 4 grams on the application so that should allow me 20 plants. not too bad i...
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    alright all caught up. the big clear jug is my Co2 setup. i have tubing going from it to a T fitting then more tubing circles my plants. i placed a hole in the tubing over top of each plant for now so it falls down on them. it doesnt seem to be producing much Co2 i think i didnt add nearly...
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    more pics from the 15th, 16th, and 17th
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    some more pics Jan 12th, 2010
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    Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

    well iv been reading pretty much all the threads here and thought id join in on the fun. i havent grow in quite a few years so everything is pretty much new to me again as i didnt grow for very long last time not because i couldn't but because of other reasons. im now in the process of getting...