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  1. Tommythecat14

    My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed

    I have a $45 increase but I just bought a 600w with a light mover for that exact reason! I'm going to use it after I finish up my current grow.
  2. Tommythecat14

    My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed

    Just subscribed after reading through your journal. Very nice grow going on and I like your setup. I'm currently finishing up my 1000w DWC grow, two or three more weeks left on two BC seedking sour diesel genetics and an AK 47 bagseed. Their seems to be alot of good advice so far and the only...
  3. Tommythecat14

    Brown Spots and Edges..... Potassium problem????

    How does the new growth look?
  4. Tommythecat14

    newb needs some expertiece, please?

    It will probably be better if you have good nutes, proper light and if you harvest and cure it properly. When the plant produces seed, all of the nutes goes to the seed, not to THC production. Did the bag smoke good?
  5. Tommythecat14

    Who know's anything about molasses and hydroponics?

    Wow, lot's of good help out here! Nevermind I'll stick to the books...
  6. Tommythecat14

    Who know's anything about molasses and hydroponics?

    So I'm into the final five weeks of my DWC hydroponic grow and I just switched to water from here on out. I've read in Marijuana Horticulture "The indoor/outdoor Medical Growers Bible" and saw the picture of two buds that where grown and harvested at the same time. One was given sugar during the...
  7. Tommythecat14

    tiny little white things in clayxs..

    That is what the seed would form from if it where to get pollinated. Relax it's not a hermi. The white hairs are not going to form in the same place as the male flowers.
  8. Tommythecat14

    Plant leaves turning yellow. Help!

    The whole light thing depends on who you ask. Some people veg for 24,18,17,16, 12/12 whatever. I have read in several grow books that the plants do not use anymore than 17 or 18 hrs of light the rest is just wasted money. Don't know I veg for 17 hrs and I have used 24 before, in fact my...
  9. Tommythecat14

    Plant leaves turning yellow. Help!

    It looks like you are lacking in nitrogen. What kind of nutes are you using and are you following the feeding schedule that it recommends. I grow hydro and have never had a nitrogen problem. Need a little more info on your setup, how you are mixing and do you have a good grow book?
  10. Tommythecat14

    Female noob here again! I think I have a hermi...

    Hey it's all just an experiment!!!! Love it!!! Do what you want. I flowered my first hermi and you spend alot of time picking the male flowers and you have to be diligent and do it at least every other day and you still will have missed some:) The tell tale sign when you see that yellow...
  11. Tommythecat14

    Female noob here again! I think I have a hermi...

    If you don't want your other ladies bred then I would probably get rid of it. If the hermi is in the same room then there's a good chance you are going to get some fertilization. Go to a borders or a smoke shop and get Jorge Cervantes"Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers...
  12. Tommythecat14

    Female noob here again! I think I have a hermi...

    So, yeah your room is definetly contaminated but your other plants are not effected they are too young. Water neutralizes the pollen so just spray your room down with a squirt bottle and rinse your other plants. Also I would probably rinse the pre filter on your charcoal filter. This is...
  13. Tommythecat14

    Deformed plant (with pics)

    Actually taking a closer look I think you will have two large colas when it's all said and done:)
  14. Tommythecat14

    Deformed plant (with pics)

    I am currently dealing with this on an ak-47 plant. Looking at your last picture your plant did the same thing. Something, whether it happened when it came up through your medium or whatever, the top got pruned or died therefore it is growing multiple stocks instead of just one center. All...
  15. Tommythecat14

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    Hey Andreyy great to see that you got your beans, your thread is the reason I joined! I know you are going to do a 12/12 light cycle but I have a couple of questions. Do you know the time frame on your beans from germination to harvest with this light cycle and when do you get out of school...
  16. Tommythecat14

    Shout out to bagseed!!!

    Ha sorry dude I ment to say bagseed! It's late and I would love to hear your opinion on why bagseed sucks.
  17. Tommythecat14

    Shout out to bagseed!!!

    I Keep reading different threads where people keep saying, " Oh you don't want to grow bagseed , it has bad genetics, or it's just not good to grow you don't know what you're going to get." Is there any proof to these claims or should I chop down my plants and torch my grow room!?!;-)
  18. Tommythecat14

    Shout out to bagseed!!!

    Shout out to bagseed!!!