Brown Spots and Edges..... Potassium problem????

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
ok just wodnering if my plant has a potassium problem and would flowering nutes cure it or should i use something with high potassium...... i have bat guano but i think that is phosphorus

i am growing in soil all organic.............. fully matured still in veg i want the plant to be healthy before i start cutting clones

ill attach some photos shortly


Well-Known Member
Yellowing bottom leaves is a sign of lack of nitrogen. . Try poking bigger holes in the bottom and putting it on a saucer and give a little N. If anything its a magnesium def thats making those spotty edges. Cal mag should do it

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
the new growth is nice healthy and green......... doesnt nitrogen deficency affect the new growth as well??? ....... this is only happening to the older bottom leaves...

i bumped the veg nutes up and added some flowering nutes as well to balance the nutes out..... just one day of feedin i gave it of that mixture........... ill try some cal mag out tomorrow

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
anyone else can help me out.......... i know for a fact there are very experienced fellow growers out there that can help..... and only 1 came to my rescue..... come on help a fellow grower out people